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I had to make a detour which meant I wouldn't be home for the next couple of days. Apparently the King and Queen of the North wanted to see me in regards to my wife. I knew exactly why, I knew it had everything to do with the twenty something letters they had been sending to me. King Torvald and his wife Queen Victoria had made it perfectly clear that they wanted me to bring Ivy to Unity. They wanted to set a trial for Ivy only I knew how it was going to end which is why I haven't brought her. The court would be in their favor and my wife would not stand a chance against those manipulative pieces of shit. In the King's words, "she would be punished her crimes committed against humanity". It was fairly known that the elites were not good people, they were vile and cruel and only cared for their own well-being.

I by no means was afraid of them, I've never been afraid of them even as a child. I saw through their lies of so-called trying to protect their people. The only time they cared was when there was a mass outcry from the people and even then they'd sprinkled a bit of hope across Unity to keep them appeased. Sheep if you will.

I especially didn't like King Torvald and I never did, I had aimed to one day see him dead with a spike through his head. Only with everything going on and my own kingdom in my hands I pushed my plans aside to wait for just the right moment.

Torvald Harito was a coward that hid behind a mask and abused his power. He was a wolf in sheeps clothings and I wished that Unity could see that. The people needed a real leader someone that the people could count on and lead them to their victory. They didn't need more lies and false promises of peace, they deserved more than that, after all the people were cash cows for the elites.

Unity has always been a beautiful place where the richest of the rich resided in their quaint little mansions. The grass was a unhealthy vibrant green, the flowers were full of life swaying back and forth in the wind and the air always smelled overwhelmingly sweet.

As we passed through the gates of the King's castle I grimace at the sight of the porcelain like place. Everything was immaculate, too perfect in fact, it had me on edge as we proceeded up the lot.

Leon hasn't been this serious since the war and we both knew for a fact that this visit wasn't going to be easy. I could feel the tension rise as we stepped out the car and two guards approached us, greeting us in disgust.

"General Saigoni." The guard says gruffly, "you know the procedures before entering the castle we're going to have to search you."

"I do." I step up to the man intimidating him with my dominating power and strength. "I also know I've never had to be checked before. What's changed."

"The Kings requests."

I chuckle deeply, "I don't need my weapons to kill the King you know this..." the man's face pales. "Don't you?"

"Y-you must have forgotten that you're not on your own land, you can be killed right on the spot for speaking about the King this way."

"Let's be real, Torvald has no real control here and I'm willing to bet you know that just as much as I do." I state calmly. "You can search me if you wish but it won't do you any good."

The guard audibly gulps and looks back at the other, hesitantly he takes a step back and opens the door. "The King and Queen is in the throne room they have been waiting for you."

Leon chuckles darkly as we walk through the double doors and past the entrance. I notice how the King has doubled down on security from the last time I was here. I walk past them with my head held high giving off nothing but dominating confidence that suffocates the air.

Eventually we make our way to throne room, the doors are pushed open revealing scum sitting several steps up on gold plated chairs.

We stop at bottom of the throne and bow in greeting. I didn't like the two bastards and the longer I had to stare at their faces the more I crave to have their blood on my hands.

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