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A/N: Unedited asf sorry in advanced.

I wasn't going to post this chapter so soon but I love spoiling my babies! Hope you all enjoy!

I planned on leaving the ranch by the end of this week. While I planned my next move I thought about my child and what this meant for us. I would never be safe going back out into Unity again but my baby would. Rather they be a boy or a girl. The monarchy treasured women for the reproductive organs and men for their strength and ability to fight in the war. As fucked up as it sounded they would be far safer in the hands of their father. I didn't want them growing up in an abandoned Kingdom only for me to pass away leaving them all alone. They deserved to have a beautiful life, they deserved to have a loving father to take care of them and show them the world. They deserved more than what I could promise them.

And as much as I wanted to be selfish I couldn't, my child would eventually get curious of the world. They would be curious as to why it was just me and them living in an abandoned town, they would ask questions that would come with a series of complicated answers. I couldn't hide them from the world and I especially couldn't hide them from their father.

I had a plan and I was going to stick to it no matter how much it hurt.

The next day went by relatively normal, Beth chastised me for being out in the garden again so I resorted to feeding the horses and chickens. Lucas helped me collect their eggs where he asked me a thousand and one times to feel the baby. For someone reason Lucas thought women laid eggs like chickens so when he asked me when I would poop mine out I was left flabbergasted. I had to subtly tell him that I did not have an egg inside of me and that I would not be pooping mine out. My answer left him more or less confused than the whole egg situation.

When night fell I helped Beth cook dinner, we had Turkey with sides. I still hadn't told Beth that I was leaving just yet. I knew she would try to stop me and make me stay until I had at least had my baby. John had been working long hours so I didn't really see him until he returned from work and finished his chores at the farm.

Dinner was delicious and when it was time for us to head to bed I stayed up. I couldn't really sleep there was a lot on my mind and this baby was sitting behind my ribs kicking my ass. So I stayed up sitting on the window seat with a book in hand reading to my baby and that's when I heard it. A loud banging sound could be heard coming from the front door. It was so loud in fact that it sounded like it was coming from inside of the house itself. I place my book down and get up, I walk over to my bedroom door and peep my head out just as John, Lucas and Beth emerged from their rooms. John held a shotgun looking on high alert as he faced us. His messy hair was sticking out from all over the place and his wrinkled shirt looked like he had been fighting to get in on.

Lucas stood in front of Beth wiping his tired eyes while his mother placed both hands on his shoulders in a protective manner. She looked on high alert herself and I was sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me when I saw a shotgun fastened to her back.

"Who the hell is bangin' on our door at this time of night?" Beth growled angrily. One thing about Beth was that she liked her sleep more than she liked her own sons. "As I recall the only one paying bills in this hea' house is me!" She scowled.

"I don't know ma' you and Lucas go into your room and lock the door." John says. "Ivy you go too."

"Go in my room Lucas, "Beth ushered him inside quickly glancing at me. "It's best you come along with us while John handles this mess." She says following her son inside.

I had a gut wrenching feeling I knew exactly who it was. "No." I shake my head. "I can't."

"What the hell you mean no?" John raises his voice, "Now you go on inside that room with ma and Lucas I don't want you getting hurt."

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