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The one thing I was good at was ignoring people especially if they were in my direct vicinity. I had been seeing Juko a lot more lately but that didn't mean I had to talk to him. He didn't make the move either but part of me knew it was because he was constantly busy with work. If we weren't sleeping together he was in his office or out in town and right now he was out in town.

Today Jema and Summer had visited, we had lunch together and now we were out in the garden relaxing while Summer ran around with a net catching butterflies. Apparently she had a obsession and whenever she caught them she would store them in a jar and release them into her bedroom. Since she was here with me she would catch them, analyze the insect, name their species before releasing them back into the wild. Though some she did pick up and place in a jar that had a few poked holes on the lid. She was pretty smart for her age which shouldn't have came to a surprise since she had skipped two grades.

"You never answer my question." Jema glanced at me as she took a sip of her tea. "How is the married life treating you? I hope that all things are going well between you and Juko."

I didn't really want to speak on my marriage seeing as I no longer wanted to be in it. I had tried to convince Juko on a few occasions to go to Unity. Each time I brought it up he declined stating that he didn't want to go through the marriage process again. I thought about going to my parents but I knew the moment I opened my mouth to tell them I wanted a divorce I would receive nothing but criticism and a swift denial on their end. So as far as I could tell I was stuck with him until he either got bored or sick of me.

"It's... ok I guess. Juko works a lot so I don't see him as often as I would like." I answer with a half truth. I didn't exactly want to tell Jema everything. Her relationship with her son was already fragile and I didn't want to cause more of a rift. She seemed more excited about the marriage than me and Juko. I guess she truly was hoping to have grandchildren sometime soon.

"You don't sound very upbeat about it. Is everything ok with you two?"

I nod my head forcing a smile onto my lips and I'm sure she notices, "everything's fine."

"I know that look all too well Ivy, you got someone that's more than willing to listen. I'm all ears love."

I shake my head forcing my smile to seem a bit more genuine. "No, I'm serious everything is fine."

Jema purses her lips as if she can see through my facade. "Well trust me I've been married twice, things may seem tense at first but I promise it gets better. You just have to be patient and open about things. I'd hate to see you two separate, you'll be good for Juko." Jema pauses to run a hand through her soft chocolate locks and sighs. "Just give it some time."

"Time. Not very much of that now and days." I joke sourly.

"That's true, no one is promised tomorrow, I learned that lesson the hard way when Jonathan passed." She says looking off into the distance with a far away look in her eyes. She looked sad and deep in thought for a moment before she spoke again. "If I could go back and change things I surely would. I wouldn't have been so hard on Jonathan and I would've been more attentive to my sons needs."

"How did you and Jonathan meet?"

Jema closes her eyes and laughs softly, "we had known each other since we were kids. My mother and his mother were best friends so naturally we just clicked. We had been inseparable since the day we met. I knew when I first saw Jonathan that he was the man I was going to marry. To give my everything too and I did. Mind, body and soul."

"Do you miss him?"

"I do and I always will. He played quite a part in my life. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without him I just wish things had gone differently."

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