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Unknown Pov

I sat at my desk staring at the two men that were supposed to be helping me. The same two men I have been relying on for the past two almost three months to get me quick results. I promised them a life full of fortune if they fulfilled their duties and yet they have not produced any results. I was growing impatient by the day, counting down the days until I had Jonathan's secret creation in the palm of my hand. Only a handful of people knew about the drug, and I wanted it to stay that way before anyone else got a hold of the information.

Having that drug could have me making billions possibly even trillions to sit on. Of course I'd water down the effects to keep the demand high and the war lasting until long after I died. It was risky but I was sure it could be done by the right person and I definitely had the right person unknowingly on my side. I just needed a goddamn sample.

The notebooks Jonathan Saigoni had were either destroyed or hidden. So the best way to get it was to go to the direct source, Juko. The bastard had the key to my success coursing through his veins. Well not exactly in his veins, it was in his spinal fluid. And the only real way to get the drug was through his spinal fluid and I doubted the boy would be willing to lie down while we take from him. I doubted the half mute bastard was going to just give it away.

So I wanted him dead, I wanted him six feet under while I mass produced J3 with no trouble. I wanted the money and the power that came with it more than anything. I was going to get it rather it was handed over or taken by force. And if anyone stood in my way they would be killed family and friends included.

Thinking about the many failures I've experienced from the many assassination attempts had me livid. I was failing and I hated fucking failing. I was raised to do better, to be better. Me and my love were this close to getting exactly what we wanted. This close to being on top of the world. It was only a matter of time before it happened. Time that I didn't have.

"... You were saying..." one of my men cuts my thoughts off nervously glancing around my office. He should be fucking nervous, scared even. Last time we spoke I threatened to cut his head off.

"Isaac, why isn't anything getting done yet? I told you I'm on borrowed time. Yet here you are back in my office without the body of Juko Saigoni." I scowl. "What the fuck is the problem."

"We are trying-"

I cut him off slamming my fist against my desk, "trying isn't good enough! I want him dead and you told me you that your league of assassins could get the job done. Why isn't it done?"

"We underestimated Juko's skill, he's faster, smarter and stronger than us. We are doing everything we can to kill him but it's almost impossible."

I was growing tired of the excuses, "you claimed that you had the best group of elite assassins right at your disposal. You claimed that you could get it done, if you cannot do it I will make you suffer. All I have to do is tip off the King of the North and every single one of you will be dead by sunrise." I stand to my feet and lean over my desk narrowing my sharp gaze at the two men. "You may have a league of elite assassins but you can't take on a goddamn army full of knights. I want results and if you can't give them to me then you will be exterminated. Do you understand?" I spit out angrily.

The two Isaac and George stand before me nervously looking at each other. They knew they couldn't just simply kill me, if I died my lover would still deliver the message to the King. Either way they were fucked if they continued to play with my time or fuck me over.

"W-we understand." George says.

"Good." I smirk sitting down in my chair and sigh loudly, "what is the next plan? How do you two plan on killing Juko Saigoni?"

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