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Caius Gaines.

Caius Gaines father stared down at his child in pure and utter disgust. What he saw before him was something he was ashamed to bring back home to his family. A child that he had by incident when he knocked up a rather strung out whore. By all means the whore, Adella was a beautiful woman with soft curves, lucious blonde hair and beautiful sea green eyes. A small pointed nose, rosy cheeks and pouty pink lips. Even in her most fragile state Adella was stunning and wanted by many.

She was what most would call a high functioning addict that could almost always be seen with powder under her nose. When she wasn't careful of course.

Adella was a temptress in the eyes of many and even she knew it. She wanted these men to see her as a seductress, a siren as such that lured them in and emptied their pockets for their own sexual fantasies to secretly help with her own addiction. She wanted men to want her and she loved the attention and money that came with it. Her beauty surpassed many in the small town hundreds of miles outside of the walls of Unity. And when the father of her unwanted child laid eyes on her he knew he had to have her.

You see the man had been watching her for some time now. He at first thought it was love at first sight, she was perfect in every which way. That was until he saw how unhinged she became when she didn't get her nose candy. She became aggressive, violent and lashed out until the man was able to sated her with her favorite powdered candy. Beyond her flaws he had always looked to the woman as his one and only.

The man wanted to help her, he wanted to save her from her own doom before it was too late. He wanted to change her, to make her see she was so much more than a common whore. He had so much hope that maybe just maybe one day Adella would open her eyes and see the errors of her ways. Little did he know he wasn't the only man that had tried to change the golden blonde beauty and he surely wouldn't be the last.

When the man finally realized that he couldn't change someone like her something inside of him snapped and broke.

He failed.

No matter how hard he tried he could not force her to stop prostituting when he didn't have product. He couldn't force her to stop snorting drug until she was so high out of her mind she'd run the streets naked screaming profanities. You see the man had no idea of her true violently red colors until he stepped behind closed doors with her inside.

He tried for the sake of his sanity, he tried because he didn't want to see her end up dead. A knife plunged into her chest because her last customer had gotten upset with her again. To the world she was a angel with beauty so ethereal that you just had to stop and stare. To him she was a wolf in sheeps clothing willing and ready to sink her claws into any and everyone until she was temporarily sated.

Of course Adella had her good days and then she had her bad days. And when the good days came oh boy it felt like the man was floating. He loved her and once he finally came to his senses he grew to hate her. He no longer wanted anything to do with her and when Adella realized that she could no longer have him, use him, she trapped him.

One night after a heated love making session Adella turned to the man. She knew that he planned on leaving her for some time now. It was just a matter of when, so she whispered two words in his ear that nearly made his heart stop.

"I'm pregnant." She said gently caressing his arm.

"What?!" The man jumped out of bed and stared at the woman accusingly.

"I'm pregnant, aren't you happy for us?" She smiled reveling in the man's obvious distraught and anguish.

He was caught in her web.

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