【The Heat Pt 1】

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A/N: Both hands on the phone ladies. 😅

I had been sitting here for the last two hours debating on if I actually wanted to go through with something like this. I had never been the kind of girl to take risks. I was the play it safe kinda girl, the girl everyone called a goodie two shoes because I was scared of the unknown.

When I was younger me and Rose would sneak out and go hiking in the woods. Rose was adventurous always picking up all kinds of insects and wildlife she could get her hands on. She'd take them home to keep them as pets for as long she could. We had everything from black widows and hamsters to small baby lambs. She reminded me of Summer in a way with her love for butterflies. When Rose was younger she talked about wanting to be a veterinarian because of her love for animals. As she got older and saw how the world treated women of our status. So she adjusted her personality, likes and wants accordingly to fit the description on a perfect wife on paper and to one day marry a knight in shining armor.

Mother was also apart of the reason why Rose changed, she practically tried to brainwash us to become societies standard. To become a woman that wasn't weak, a woman that only cared for themself, a woman that were too good to touch filth. Once Rose hit middle school she was no longer that sweet and loving sister I had once adored. She became mean spirited, spiteful and a full blown bully.

I on the other hand remained the same through it all and ended up developing a love for animals as I got older. I had no idea why but sometimes I wonder if it was because I was unconsciously trying to play the part of my sister I so dearly missed.

I knew that what Juko was going through was a lot and that me going into the basement may be putting myself in harms way. But if I was right and Juko was locked securely in that room then what was the harm of seducing him behind a cage? Since Juko had ignored me for five years of our marriage what was the harm of giving him extreme blue balls? What was the harm of making him go mad sitting in that cell all day thinking about his wife. And even if there was a slight chance of him escaping it was one risk I was willing to take.

I doubted the fact that Juko was powerful enough to break out of the cell. I figured if he was then he would have been busted out of that cell to come and find me. The guards were so sure of themselves that he was locked up tight that they even joked about it and so I finally cracked. I was going to fuck with him, get in his head. Make Juko regret the day he decided to cheat on me with those common whores.

So when evening came I slipped into one of my lingerie sets. It was beautiful baby blue lace corset with thigh suspenders. The suspenders connected my matching thongs to my garters that  complemented the brown flesh of my thighs.

My hair was already done since I had gotten a professional blowout to get my ends properly trimmed. I typically didn't use this much heat on my  hair in a year so I decided to lay off of it until my next trim. As far as makeup went I left it alone and simply cleaned up my eyes brows, added some beautiful thick faux lashes and glossed to my lips.

Once I was done I quickly grabbed my beige trench coat I refused to part with and slipped my feet into some strapless silver heels.

Before buttoning up my coat I stand in the full length mirror checking myself out. I looked different, there was just something about me that had my skin glowing a beautiful golden color. I smiled to myself and once I was confident enough I buttoned my coat and headed out the room and down the stairs.

As soon as I came across the basement door I noticed the two male guards standing on either side of it.

"Mrs. Saigoni." One of the men says acknowledging my presence with a curt nod. "What can we do for you today?"

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