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A day or two had passed since my family had come to visit me. I didn't really keep up with the time since I was always sleep, a side effect from the drugs I had been given. It helped with the pain a lot but I hated constantly feeling tired.

There was a lot going on in my head from my family berating me, Rose's threaten, my dream to Tatsu and Shyra's safety. My emotions were all over the place coming around full circle and hitting me where it hurts.

Leon and Uri tried to visit but I was unsure where they stood and I couldn't handle anymore crying so I sent them away and haven't heard from them since. It was my fault anyways, everything that played out was of my own doing. I wonder what life would have been like I had never went into the forest that day. If Tatsu would have survived the impending infection from the arrow. If Shyra would have been alone until she was finally found and either became a main attraction for Amorite, killed or tortured. If me and Juko would have been a bit happier after we gotten over that small bump in the road. Or maybe just maybe if I had never been chosen to be married.

My parents speaking to me the way that they did was well deserved, I deserved it for choosing chaos over humanity. I was a worthless nobody born on a Dutch throne with a silver spoon in my mouth. They were right, they had always been right. So silly of me, so silly of me to think I could actually keep my two biggest secrets at bay. That no one would find them and that I could keep them safe.

I close my eyes trying to keep tears away but it proves to be useless when they begin to spill anyways.

The night is young and all I have is time, there's a storm raging outside a sign winter was approaching. Another week or so and it would be snowing.

I barely keep myself together when I think of Juko. How he looked at me with the eyes of someone's has been betrayed. He looked at me like he didn't even know me, who I am or what I stood for. He only saw the lies I revealed as stood on my knees with my blood covering the stone. He hated me and had every right to do so. I couldn't be trusted after all I've been helping the enemy.

He despised me.

Yeah, it was well deserved.

He hasn't come to see me since I've been in this place and I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to see me too. He hasn't even been in the castle and I know exactly why, everything I touch I always end up destroying especially in the eyes of man.

Amorite is in an uproar and the King wants my head and yet the only thing stopping me from doing something drastic is the dream that occurred. It was embedded into my brain and hard wired, a memory I could not erased. If the dream was real then I only had one year to stop the war. But how could I stop a war if the people wanted me dead?

I lay there listening as the wind and rain pound at the windows, the room would light every so often from the strikes of lightning.

I lay there holding myself forgetting the soup I had been served hours ago. I was sure it had gone cold by now; I wasn't hungry anyways.

The door opens after a few hours had passed and I don't bother to look up. I figured it was the nurse assigned to me. She had been coming in and out the room checking on me every three hours. Making sure I was getting plenty of water, clean and washed with a nutritional amount of food in my belly. She was kind to me but wasn't a big speaker, that or like the rest of the help didn't want anything to do with me.

There's a scraping sound against the floor and when I finally look up, I see the silhouette of a man I had been dreading to see.

I wasn't ready to face more confrontation, I needed more time to get my head on straight before I faced the man. Of course, I had no say in the matter seeing as this was his home and he could do as he pleased.

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