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Juko's Pov

I had made it just fifty miles outside of Esaro before I was forced to stop. The rain was so bad that I could hardly make out what was three feet in front of me.

The wind was blowing so hard that the tree were bending harshly to the left. Some of them had already ripped from their roots and the ground, falling over with a large thud sound. In the darkness of the night the roots that laid upright in the air formed shadows that looked like thin sickly shaped fingers.

My family was just out of my range of hearing and it had me on edge. There was so much going on all at once and in all reality I barely had time to sit back and breath. From the moment I have been promoted to War General up until now I had not once had a break from work.

I was tired and in all reality I needed a break, I didn't want to do this anymore. I was tired of war and tired of  fighting. If what Ivy said was true about the dragons then heading to Unity to somehow convince the King to end the war would be extremely beneficial to me. The only problem was that the monarchy was corrupt and no one was brave enough to stand up to the King. Anyone that did was immediately met with the blade of a sword, or the bullet of a gun imbedded deep into their chest. Rebelling against the monarchy always came with a price and death always seemed to be one of them.

The King had been using the money carelessly that could have been going towards his people to make restorations to Unity. No, Tarvold didn't care and until he died and someone other than the next heir to the throne took the stand the cycle would only keep repeating itself.

I wanted to be the one to end the cycle, I had my men more than willing help me. Some more willing than others were ready to die for me, to die for the cause in all reality. But even if I just had Leon by my side I could still take the reigns of Unity and help bring peace to the Kingdom. That's all anyone has ever wanted but somehow someway there was always a evil dictator leading the majority.

The people residing in the walls of Unity were practically sheep. Give them just enough to be content and they were more than willing to settle for less. The problem was that no one deserved less. Growing up poor was unfair to me, to the majority. While the council and the royal families got to sit in a castle eating the fanciest foods that even I could hardly pronounce. Many people including myself had to survive off the bare minimum of nothing but scraps.

I had to put a stop to this whole mess, with the monarchy, the war and the dragons once and for all and it all made sense.

Ivy was the key.

My wife, my pride and joy was going to help me overthrow the King.

My chest swells with this indescribable feeling when I think of my wife. So small yet so brave, I was glad to have been given a choice to have her as my wife.

I am jolted from my thoughts when my phone began to ring. Leon was calling and I debated on ignoring him, he was starting to get on my last fucking nerve.

I had specifically told him not to call me unless it was an absolute emergency.

No, instead he called me for the most absolutely dumbest shit possible. I could write a fucking thirty page essay of everything he called me about. I didn't even want to think about it because at this point I was sure to burst a fucking blood vessel if I did.

I stare at his name flashing across my screen. I swore to God that if was he calling me for no reason I was going to choke the shit out of him.

I swipe right and hold the phone between my ear and shoulder sliding my leather jacket back on. It was like the heat in the car could hardly fight against the cold winds that accompanied the cooling rain.

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