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I didn't realize how fun it would be to ride in a car driving at insane speeds. Juko was doing 80 miles per hour most of the time until he had to tread carefully over some land or road that wasn't built too properly. Still, being in a fancy vehicle moving that fast had my adrenaline rushing. I could tell Juko wanted to kick it up a notch but he didn't. He was used to driving fast but since I was new to this I knew he was trying to go easy on me.

I had kept the window down because I enjoyed the way the wind kissed and caressed my skin. I even stuck my hand out the window catching the wind in the palm of my hand. It was truly exhilarating.

We had been driving for about five hours before I told him I was getting a bit parched and hungry. He needed to refuel anyway so we stop to get food. The words of my mother and sister passed through my head many times as we ordered in a small quaint restaurant Juko stated he had been to before. I opted in ordering a salad while Juko ate although with class, two very large 12 ounce steaks and some sides.

I so badly wanted to ask him for a bite but I knew my mother would be disappointed in me for not sticking to my diet. I also didn't want Juko looking at me like I was a cow that couldn't stop eating. I felt like I always ate responsibly it's just that I just so happen to put on a extra ten pounds. It happens.

I could see him watching me watch him as he ate. I wasn't sure what he was thinking but he didn't say anything about my staring. After eating he paid for our meal then helped me back into the car. We had stop to get fuel for his car prior to arriving at the restaurant. So luckily for us we didn't have to worry about making an extra stop. At this point we were going to hop right back on the road and head towards that Inn.

Once Juko slid into the car he glanced at me while starting up the car, "are you sure you didn't want anything else before we leave?"

"No. I'm fine, I'm actually kind of full from the salad." Which wasn't a lie because I had a decent amount of leafy green vegetables on my plate. I had it with some tasty champagne while Juko washed his meal down with straight scotch. I hated scotch and couldn't stand the taste of it on my tongue. I had no idea how he was able to drink that and not wince once.

Juko proceeded to pull out of the lot and back on to the road, by this time I was getting tired and couldn't wait to get to that Inn. I managed to stay up watching as he turned his headlights on once it got too dark to see. The scenery seemed to past us in a blur and I couldn't help but enjoy it and the mutual silence that fell between us. I was usually a quiet person until I got used to you then after that I could probably talk ones ears off. There had been many times where I had been talking to Rose and she told me to shut the hell up.

"Roll up the window it's going to start raining soon." Juko says after a while.

I frown looking out the window, there wasn't a cloud in the midnight sky. "How do you know that?"

"I can smell it."

"You can... smell when it's about to rain."

"Something I picked up on when I was in battle. Dragons aren't very big fans of it."

"Dragons... can you tell me a little more about them?" I ask.

"Maybe another day I'd rather not think about war for a while."

"Ok." I nod my head, it was understandable but I was dying to know more about them. I had heard many stories about them and sadly enough in certain Kingdoms if the men were lucky enough to capture and bring them home they became a delicacy. I don't think I'd ever want to eat a dragon.

I've only seen one, it was a baby and sometimes the humans weren't very kind to them. They would inject them with some kind of concoction that would stunt their growth and treat them like circus animals. It broke my heart when I was saw one being whipped at a festival all those years ago. I told my dad about it and he told me get over it. They hated humans and were trying to exterminate us. I shouldn't care about them but part of me did.

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