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A/N: Unedited sorry in advance!

I had went to go see my babies a few days after Juko recovered from his sickness though he was still showing signs of his heat. Juko could still barely walk and when I tried to talk him out of going to work he did not listen to me or his doctor.

Sneaking out proved to be quite the task. Since my last disappearance Juko had been keeping his security tight as ever. If I wasn't in my room there was always a guard following me around. I tried to ignore them but it was hard when every time I looked up there was someone staring at me, watching me like I'd up and disappear in a moments notice.

So when Juko left the castle and Uri was sent home for the day I decided to climb out of my bedroom balcony and go see Tatsu and Shyra. There were vines that grew tightly against the castle and luckily for me they held my weight. Sneaking through the back I entered the barn, stole Minnie and went off to go see the baby dragons. I had missed them so much and wanted to make sure they were doing well without me. Of course I knew they were since they seemed perfectly fine the last time I left them alone.

Still them being so close to the castle caused me to have concerns of my own. I had been thinking about moving them farther out but that could cause problems with me trying to keep them a secret. It would almost make it a impossible task to come visit them if they were hours away from the castle. Once I made it to Tatsu and Shyra's cave I stayed for no less than a hour. I didn't want to risk staying too long since I had no idea how long Juko was going to be gone.

They were both getting pretty big and fast, they were now probably the size of a large fully grown dog. I stayed there playing with them and even tried to train them so that if they ever came across danger I could help. I taught them how to blow their flames at specific targets, how to sit and lay down. They were quick learners but Shyra was stubborn. It took me half an hour to even convince the baby dragon to even shoot out a flame and when she did I was amazed. Unlike Tatsu's flame that burned a searing hot red Shyra's flame burned a beautiful electric blue.

After training I played with them some more and even provided them with some healthy servings of snacks which consisted of meat. I checked Tatsu's wing which by now was completely healed and with that I took off back to the castle. I'd miss them until the next time I saw them again which I hoped would be soon. I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep hiding them from Juko. Eventually they would get too big to even hide and for now I had no idea what I was going to do.

Once I made it back to the castle I climbed the vines to my bedroom and just as both of my feet hit the floor of the balcony my bedroom door opens. I look up to see Juko entering the room. He closes the door behind him and carefully looks me up and down. For some reason I become nervous, he's staring me like he knows something I don't. I swallow nervously and send him a awkward wave. "H-hi."

"What are you doing out there?" Juko says walking towards the balcony doors.

"Oh." I scoff and point out towards the forest, "I was just um getting some air to think about things."

His eyes flashes down to the little dress I'm wearing and for a moment those gray irises darken before he meets my eyes again. "Is that so."

"Y-yeah. I just-I don't know." I nearly squeak out as he steps forward until he's directly in front of me. I crane my head up to look at him and hate how my body flushes hot with want.

"Ivy." Juko mumbles deeply and then suddenly grips my throats. My hands wrap around the railing and my nails dig into the stone nearly chipping from the pressure.

"Juko." I breath out quietly.

"Why do you smell like that?" He bends down lightly running his nose from my chest up to my neck and right behind my ear leaving a trail of goosebumps.

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