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A/N: Ivy's Coronation Dress.

Unedited to hell. If you see comments in this chapter that doesn't make sense it is bc the entire chapter was taken down and rewritten.


I am nervous, as I stand inside of a church decorated beautifully. It's filled to the brim with leaders and associates from all sixteen Kingdoms here in Unity.

Quietude fills the air, a few whispers going around here and there.

I'm too nervous to breathe.

Would they accept me after all that I have done?

I know there's still people out there rebelling years later even after the war. They hated how the new leaders of the monarchy came about. They hated how we let the dragons roam so freely. They hated everything about us and they were showing it through violence.

It scared me, leading a country with over a few million people all while trying to weed out the bad seeds. I didn't want to disappoint or let anyone down, my worse fear was becoming the two people I hated the most.

Margie and Richard Carmine and the many others that helped in destroying the lives in Unity.

My husband stands a few feet in front of me watching me carefully as kind words of adoration leave his mouth. His eyes soften as he looks at me, his lips tilting upwards at the soft corners of his mouth. And the way he says my name, my real name ever so delicately makes my heart race wildly.

I'm a flustered, nervous wreck as I repeatedly smooth the none existence wrinkles of my dress with my clammy hands habitually.

He makes me feel so shy with the way he keeps looking at me.

I force myself to look away from his intense stare. Glancing to one side of the church to find Leon and Uri smiling at me. Leon's dressed in a black suit with a white button up, his hairs slicked back with one lonesome curl brushing against his forehead. Uri wears a beautiful lavender colored dress thats squared at the collar, her hairs pulled back into a beautiful braided updo.

They both look so proud of me, shooting me the thumbs up and winking at me when no one is looking. I hold in my smile and giggle looking away from them.

To the opposite is my family, the boys are dressed in black suits themselves while Eden wears a pretty floral like dress. Emiko has snuck over to Akeno's side and holds his hand while Juko continues to speak. I had a inkling of suspicion that she had a little crush on him. Akeno pretended like he hated it but I knew he secretly enjoys Emiko's company.

Finally after Juko's long preamble he speaks those longs awaited words. "Repeat after me."

"I will to my power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all my judgements. I will to the utmost of my power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel. I will to the utmost of my power maintain in Unity the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law. The people are Law." I repeat his words carefully.

"The people are Law." The church speaks back.

"Come closer." Juko lifts his hands as someone hands him off a vial of blessed oil.

I come closer, closing my eyes and lower my head. His fingers dip into the oil, with a thin layer on the pads of his finger he draws across my forehead anointing me.

Juko hands the oil back off and without care and disregard to tradition he rubs the rest of the oil in the palm of his hand. Lifts my chin up and kisses my forehead.

His lips lingers, "you look nervous, you'll be an amazing leader but for now...relax for me."

I smile, it's small and I do as he says. I inhale deeply letting the nerves of today roll down my back. "Ok." I nod as he takes a step back. The warmth of his body leaves with him as he's then handed off a crown fit for a queen.

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