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Ok so this is severely unedited and maybe boring to others but it's important for the next chapter. I was going to try and post 16&17 at the same time but I realized I needed to completely rewrite chapter 17. I hope you all enjoy and if not I promise the next chapter will be worth that wait. Enjoy ☺️

"Wait so what happened?" Uri stifles a laugh.

"Don't make me say it again it's embarrassing enough to think about." I groan laying my forehead flat against the edge of the swimming pool. Further back beyond the garden was a beautiful enclosed pool I had decided to take advantage of. I couldn't remember the last time I actually swam in one but it was as hot as ever in the middle of August. I was bored and tired of dealing with a sick Juko so I decided to take a swim while he slept in.

Uri sat at the edge next to me with her feet in the water. I had tried to convince her to get in with me but she had just gotten her hair done and didn't want to ruin it.

"Just tell me one more time." I could see her trying to hide her smile as I spoke.

"I called him a whore out loud and then when I went to run away I fell face first on the floor. I slid forward from all the oil I had on my nightie and hands. I was going to play dead but I couldn't bare being in the same room as him. So I got back up and ran." Just thinking about it made want to avoid seeing him. He was slowly getting better and by tomorrow Juko estimated that he was be in heat.

Uri bursts out laughing she laughed so hard that she leaned forward and clenched her stomach. "Oh my God Ivy. You're so awkward you should've walked out of the room with you head held high. Me-oh I definitely would've played dead."

"I panicked, I felt like a damn fool. He's never going to look at me the same. He's probably in bed right now laughing about it." I whine slightly sinking my shoulders into the water.

"Please," Uri waves me off. "It's funny as fuck but I doubt you being extremely awkward is going to turn him off. Most guys like that, it's cute and from what you told me it sounds like he was trying to seduce you."

"I know, which is why I ran, I didn't want to fall for it."

"You're supposed to be the one seducing him not the not the other way around. Give him blue balls and make him kiss the ground you walk on. You need to give him a taste of his own medicine if anything."

"I've been thinking about it for some time now." I look up at Uri. "I think I want to try this whole seduction thing out but I'm going to feel bad trying to manipulate him."

"He completely disregarded your feelings for five years. Grow a backbone and show that man exactly what he's missing. I'm telling you, it always works. In a week, two if you can keep up with the act he's going to begging and groveling for you. From there up it's up to you if you want this marriage to continue." Uri pauses to gently kick her feet back and forth in the water. "If I'm being honest something doesn't seem right about the whole cheating thing."

I frown, "what do you mean?"

"I don't know, I've gotten to know the General a bit better and it seems like he's upfront about everything else. Why is it that he has a hard time talking about it? I mean eventually you were going to find out."

I shrug, "I don't know. I don't think I looked into it that much. Some men just aren't very open to talk about things like that."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So... I spoke to Leon." I say after a while of laying in the pool and floating on my back. "He apologized for everything after that we talk about you. I think he really likes you Uri."

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