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Juko had disappeared for a few days after his friend Leon came over. At first I wasn't sure if he was in the house or if he had gone off to handle important business. Whatever Leon had told him it had him tense those last few days before he left. He had been barking orders left and right at our servants. Snapping on everyone and including me which made me feel more in the dark about our relationship.

I didn't understand what was going wrong or what I had done to make him act this way. Juko seemed so kind the first time I had seen him after all those years now it was like he was doing a complete 180.

After those few days Juko came back a bit calmer and more friendly. I avoided him at all costs and got lost in the garden with my books my tea. I took enough shit from my parents and sister, I knew that if he snapped on me again I would bite back. It seemed like this marriage wasn't going to work after all and I was trying to prepare for the worst. For our divorce and for my parents to disown me. It left me on edge knowing I was going to be casted out and homeless. I was unsure of where I would go and what I would do but I knew I needed to be ready for when the time came.

It was getting late and although Juko had been back since early morning I hadn't seen him since he stepped foot through the door.

Tonight I was wearing a pink lace and silk nightie that stopped above my upper thigh. I paired it with its matching panties and wore my hair free of its confinements which consisted of rubber bands and hair ties.

I didn't expect Juko to come sleep with me since he hasn't been for the past few nights

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I didn't expect Juko to come sleep with me since he hasn't been for the past few nights. So I didn't care about what I was wearing to bed. I laid out on my back sprawled across the bed with a erotic novel in my hand flipping through the pages mindlessly. I had just gotten to the good part when my bedroom door opened and someone steps in. I didn't have turn around to know who it was. I could feel their energy and the shift in the air. It dropped a few degrees causing goosebumps to ripple across my skin and my nipples to pebble into hard peaks.

Closing my book I look up to see Juko staring at me intensely. Those gray eyes roaming body until they land on my own brown ones. Clearing my throat I sit up knowing well that he can see my nipples through the thin material of my dress. I'm embarrassed but I don't let it show.

Neither one of us speak and I refuse to do so since he's been acting like an asshole for these past few days. "Are you not going to come and greet your husband?" His voice deep and husky.

I stare him down willing myself not to stare at the muscles that are practically calling my name.

"Why should I?" I purse my glossy lips and cross my legs. "You've been avoiding me like the plague and left me here alone without telling me."

"There was an emergency I needed to attend too and I haven't been avoiding you. I've been working." He grunts taking a few steps closer to the bed.

"It seems like it, have I done something wrong?"

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