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It had been a few days since I spoke to Juko and I planned on keeping it that way. I had been avoiding him like the plague since our argument. He had me a whimpering soaking wet mess as he cupped my pussy and told me exactly how I was going to obey him in that deep sexy voice. How I wasn't allowed to leave the house and a whole bunch of other things that went in one ear and out the other as he spoke. I had been too focused on the warmth of his palm soaking in my juices to hear anything he was saying. And after he told me exactly what was what he licked his fingers clean and then left me to think about my actions.

At first I was horny and then after that passed I was livid.

Fuck Juko. Fuck Juko Saigoni!

He was the one that went nuts when I went missing for a few hours. He was the one that acted like I was going to fuck his best friend. He was the one that invalidated my feelings towards our marriage. At the end of the day we were married and I had a right to feel the way I did. Of course most knights slept outside of their marriage whenever they went away to war but there were some that didn't. There were knights out there that were committed to their marriage and I had hope that Juko was one of them.

"You ok?" Uri nudged me causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm good." I nod my head and proceed to dig into my breakfast. "I'm thinking about going horseback riding today. Would you like to join me?"

Uri shakes her head and laughs, "no thank you. Last time I got on a horse I fell off and broke my leg."

"Ouch, that must have hurt." Leon says as he comes strolling into the kitchen. He reaches into the fruit bowl and grabs a Granny Smith apple. "Hey there pretty." He winks at Uri before nodding his head towards me.

"H-hi Leon." Uri stutters practically drooling over the man.

I snicker behind my hand before putting my fork down. "What's up I thought you were in town with Juko for work?" I say raising a perfectly arched brow at Leon.

"Nope I'd rather die than be stuck in boring meetings with the General all day." Leon shrugs. "Plus the man can handle himself, he'll be ok attending those meetings without me."

"Meetings... about?"

"That is classified information." Leon says giving me a pointed look. "So are you two going to that fancy ball?"

"You got a invitation?"

"Yes, I might go and steal some shit." Leon chuckles bitting into his apple.

Uri eyes widen and I laugh. "Y-you can't steal from the prince." Uri gasps.

"And who's going to stop me?" He raises a brow at her.

"Stop Leon you're going to give Uri a heart attack." I tease.

"I'm only kidding, who would be dumb enough to steal from that prissy ass prince?" Leon chuckles. "I'm sure he's going to have guards watching over the loot anyways."

"Well I'm not sure if I'm going to go. Juko's being a jack ass and I'm not sure I want to travel alone with him." I scoff then go to finish off my freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Wait." Leon snaps his fingers, "isn't your sister married to the prince?"


"Interesting... They make one helluva couple I tell you. You and Rose are nothing alike."

"You've met Rose?"

"Once when I stopped over to deliver a message, you two are nothing alike." Leon squints his eyes as he looks at me. "It's like you two were raised in two completely different households."

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