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"I did all the decorating myself." Jema proudly boasts as I take in the elegant interior of the home. It was beige, almost like an off-white, with massive columns wrapped in beautiful green vines and paintings of angels on the ceilings. The floor was a beautiful white and gold marble, and the trimming of the walls were carved into intricately. It was stunning, breathtaking almost. I couldn't take my eyes off the place.

Each room and hall were lined with paintings, some of family and some of nature. Statues and live plants littered the corners of the galleries, and fancy rugs laid beneath my feet. Although the place was beautiful and elegant, it also gave off a homey feel.

"If there's anything you don't like, I can send some designers over and replace it." Jema says as she shows me the kitchen and grand dining room.

"I won't change a thing." I breathe, looking around the place with wide eyes and admiration.

"I didn't think so." Jema winks flashing me a beautiful white smile. "Out here is the garden. We have bleeding hearts, roses, orchids, and more." Jema says while opening a pair of double doors to the outside garden.

"Daddy!" Summer screams, taking off towards a man that stands in the garden while he holds a phone to his ear.

Phones were another luxury of the rich and wealthy. Though the king preferred letters since he hardly used his phone, the poor tended to write letters.
The only time the rich wrote letters or used paper where when they were signing contractions or sending out formal invitations.

Hanging up the phone, the man turned to his daughter, dipping low and catching his daughter in a tight hug. "Tim! When did you get here? I thought you wouldn't be back in town for another week?" Jema gushes, moving towards her husband to hug him as well.

"I was able to finish work earlier than expected. I wanted to come see my girls and son." Tim says, placing a kiss on Jema's lips once she's within reach. "I've missed you all greatly."

"You should've told me I would've prepared for your arrival."

"No worries my love." Tim then turns to me with a small smile on his face. "Ah, Ivy isn't it?"

I send him a small smile back. I remembered him from the wedding. Juko didn't seem too fond of him, and I wondered why. I knew he wasn't Juko's father, but he seemed like a nice man. He greeted and congratulated me and his stepson on our marriage. I had even gotten a gift or two from him. From what I had learned, Tim was a duke and scientist. I had no idea what he studied explicitly, but I knew well that he was a very intelligent man. My father spoke highly of him.

"Yes sir, it's great to finally see you again." I nod and extend a hand for him to shake. He takes it and gently squeezes it.

"The same to you Ivy. You've grown into quite the young lady. I've heard many great things about you from your father." He muses.

I'm shocked, but I don't let it show. I had no idea my father talked highly about me. If anything, I thought he hated me.

"Thank you, sir."

"So, what are you ladies doing today?" He says, looking between his wife and daughter.

"Well, I'm showing Ivy around. If you don't mind, can you take Summer with you? It'll make the tour quicker if she isn't running off every three seconds." Jema asks.

"Of course. Will we be staying for dinner?" Tim asks, looking at me. I'm not sure what to say, I had just gotten here, and I honestly just wanted to relax. Not wanting to disappoint them, I nod my head, "yes, of course, I'll have something prepared for you all tonight."

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