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Sixth Month's later...

I sat in the garden picking ripe red tomatoes, my back hurts from all the bending I have been doing but I don't mind. I enjoyed gardening.

I place one in my basket and move on to the next vine to do the same. Winter had finally ended and spring was as hot as ever. Anytime I stepped out the front door of that ranch I was met with heat. It would be nothing compared to the summer's heat waves in the upcoming months.

"Honey, I told you not to come out hea' in this heat. You might fall and pass out and the nearest hospital is miles away." I hear that familiar country twang nag me in my ear.

I look back at Beth an older white woman nearing her fifties, she wore a gardening hat with her hair braided back behind her back, overalls and rain boots with a red trowel in her hand.

I look up at her covering my eyes from the sun light beaming down on my face. "I told you I don't mind Beth I enjoy helping you out." I laugh.

"Well you should, that's Luca's job and his ass is on punishment which means more chores." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh come on, Lucas's didn't mean to bring Sunshine in after it rained. It was my fault anyways." And as if the pup knew I was talking about her the golden retriever rushes over licking my face. I giggle petting and scratching right behind her ears, just how she likes it.

"Shoo guh, shoo." Beth gently moves Sunshine away. "Don't go taking up for Luca's when I saw him playin' in the rain with her. He knew better." She scolds me as she grabs my arm pulling me up and I accept her help. "On top of that you need to be more careful. Remember what I told you?"

Yes I remembered how could I not, as soon as I start to show the woman has been on my back about me working the farm. "Yes, I know no hard labor until I have my baby." I mock.

"Now that's more like it." She smiles as we walk towards the four bedroom ranch. "Three more months and this little monster is coming out." I chuckle rubbing my swollen belly.

"Come up with any names yet?"

"No not exactly, I think I'm gonna wait until I give birth. I don't even know if it's a girl or boy."

"That's true I didn't know what to name my first son until I had him. First name that came out of my mouth was John my ex-boyfriends name at the time. I'm pretty sure his daddy is rolling in the grave after hearing that one." Beth cackles as my jaw drops.


"What, I'm only kiddin' ya."

As soon as we enter the ranch I see ten year old Lucas run out from the kitchen, his face covered in strawberry jam and his eyes are wide like he's just see a ghost. He knew he was in trouble.

"Now boy, what the hell I tell you 'bout going through my snacks. Get outside and get to work!"

"But maaaa." The little boy whines.

"You better do as your mama tells you Lucas, you don't want to get into more trouble as it is."

Luca cheeks turn a bright red as he looks at me, "Ok Ivy, is your baby still kicking?"

I look down at my belly rubbing it in circles. "Not right now but as soon as they do I'll let you know so you can feel again."

The boy smile widens and it warms my heart, "ok, I'll see you when I get done with my chores." He beams. I ruffle his soft straight locks before he takes off out the door snatching the trowel from his mothers hand as he goes.

"Goddamn heathen." Beth mumbles helping me sit on her rocking chair. My baby seemed to like the chair, anytime I rocked in it I could feel them stirring. "He'll listen to you but not his own damn mama, where did I go wrong?"

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