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𝐼 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠, 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠.

Juko's Pov

I should have saw it coming, I should have but looking at Caius brought some kind of familiarity to me. Like I had seen him before, or he had reminded me of someone I knew. Those eyes, his nose and that birthmark that sat right on top of his cheeks told me everything I needed to know.

He was Tim's bastard child.

He was the spitting image of Tim if his features were any darker. I and I am sure my mother had no idea that Tim had a secret child and it brought me great curiosity to know that Tim had been hiding him this entire time. That or he had abandoned the man that stood before me.

There had never been any indication or slip of the tongue from Tim that he may have had a family prior to Summer and my mother. But I wasn't surprised, he was a sneaky, lying coward and I never trusted him from the start.

And although I'm curious about the man that stood in the way of my children all of that melts away when I lay eyes on my eldest son. All of that melts when Ivy, without warning snatches my blade from my holster and runs across the room aiming to kill the same man holding Akeno's limp body in his arms. And it sure in hell melts away when Caius send my wife flying a few feet across the room.

And before I can go to make a move the room and everybody in it grows quiet when they see Ivy sit up and cries. Tears stream blindly down her brown but flushed cheeks. Those cries quickly turn into wild uncontrolled, maniacal laughs as her head falls back, her nose tilting up towards the sky.

"Ivy." Concerns stirs in my chest but that quickly diminishes when she turns and looks at me.

"I bring me their fucking heads. All of them!" She snarls.

A humorless smile reaches my lips and I pull out the two remaining blades I had gotten from Leon on my way here. I stalk towards Caius with only one thought on my mind. "As you wish."

With quick precision I throw one of my blades, it flies  forward striking King Tarvold in his neck. He immediately cups his throat as Queen Victoria screams reaching for her pathetic excuse of a husband. The stubby bastards body falls forward as he tries to stop the bleeding but his efforts are futile, his death is slow as he bleeds out on the table before him.

"Kill the kids. Makes it quick." Caius commands yet his words aren't fast enough because the other blade leaves my hand and flies tip first into the skull of the guard that held Akeno. He crumbles to the ground, dead with my child still in his arms.

Leon immediately rushes over fighting off the other two guards. "Kill them both and get the kids back to Amorite." I say to Leon as I come face to face with Caius Gaines.

"You won't make it out of this alive." The man grins confidently and it grinds every fucking nerve in my body. The smile on his face, the glint in his eyes. I was going to remove every fucking bone from his body starting with his spine. My fist goes back and then forward connecting with his cheek sending him through the wall behind him. Part of the wall collapses and debris flies in the air.

"Shyra, Tatsu!" Ivy screams, "come to me!" The floor begins shakes beneath my feet as I race across the floor towards Caius with every intention of killing him.

When I come to he's standing on his feet wiping a small trail of blood from his lips. "You are as strong as they say." He chuckles.

I stride forward rolling my shoulders and cocking my head to the side to crack the bones my neck. I have no words for the man that tried to kill my children.

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