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A/N: We are just gonna pretend the fit is a little bit longer. 😅 Ivy's outfit though.

Unedited sorry in advance!

Juko was hurt and he didn't have to say it for me to know. It was clear in the way he walked with his head held high like he was still trying to keep his pride intact. In the way he spoke. He was never a big talker so when Doctor Kimble told him he was drugged he shut down. But when he did talk it was usually in regards to work where he put so much dominance and authority into his voice it kept his men on edge. He seemed to be pushing his feelings about being assaulted off. Diving head first into work and training that it had me hardly ever seeing him.

I knew exactly what his main focus was on. He was trying to figure out who hired a team of elite assassins to kill him. Yet from what I had been hearing from Leon each time he got close to finding out the truth he ran into a dead end. Juko had also been looking for the five women that had been apart of his assault. He also ran into dead ends with them seeing as each girl fell off the face of the earth. Even the red head woman who Juko assumed was part of it disappeared. She was last seen at my sisters ball party. Of course it was strange and raised many questions that continued to go unanswered.

Knowing this information put a strain on our marriage. Juko and Leon had been working day and night so I barely saw my husband. I barely spoke to him and I couldn't lie I missed him.

I wanted to talk to him, to hold him and comfort him in his time of need. Yet it seemed like he wanted his space and who was I to deny him that? I was treading around him lightly, his attitude had took a nose dive and every little thing ticked him off.

I tried to convince him to speak to a Doctor about his problems but he declined. He told me he could handle it and to not worry, I couldn't help it.

So while Juko had been out working day and night I had been spending more time around Shyra and Tatsu. They were getting bigger and I was still trying figure out how to move them and yet keep them within a reasonable distance from the castle. It was becoming harder and harder and I was running out of time. Sooner or later if I didn't move them then they would be discovered.

I wanted to tell someone, anyone that would listen about the two but knew better. Most of the world hated dragons and there was no one I could really trust to tell. I had been keeping this secret for months now and I truly didn't know what to do.

Winter was approaching which meant Tatsu and Shyra would be going into hibernation soon. I guess that was a good thing but that also mean I wouldn't see them for years to come. Maybe the dragons having a ten year hibernation period would be a good thing for me.

Sunday came around faster than I though, sundays were Juko's off days. Though he still spent the days working since he was still trying to find the truth to this entire mess.

Today was different, since Juko got his own land and people to tend over they decided to throw a fall festival in his favor. He was the dragon slayer so the people wanted to honor him, it was also supposed to be a celebration for another ten years life. I figured that Juko deserved some time off work and to get his mind off everything I decided to pay his office a little visit.

I knocked on the door and push it open when I hear a faint come in.

I step inside curiously looking around as I close the door behind me. Juko was sitting behind the huge oak red desk wearing a black fitted shirt. His muscles and scar going down his cheek seemed prominent but that's not what caught my eyes.

What caught my attention was the fact that his typically curly mop was cut down low. The style made his cold gray eyes and the faint stubble on his face more evident. Don't get me wrong I like his hair but he seemed to look even more like a man now than before.

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