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A/N: This dress in black.
Unedited sorry in advanced

The last time I had been to Unity the world was on fire. Churches were burning, hospitals were filling, homes were being abandoned and the Kings castle was caving in. Bodies littered the streets as the people trampled over one another to get out of the city.

It was all of my doing.

Hoping that when the war between man and dragon ended that the people would see how much peaceful the world could be if we all could see each other as equals.

I knew my wish had been fulfilled the moment me and Shyra made it past Unity's bordering line.

Homes had been rebuilt, churches were thriving and the hospitals seemed to have less and less patients than it did almost seven years ago. My chest swelled with pride knowing that after the war Juko had been behind it all. Leading the people towards a life that was more giving and fruitful. No one was starving, begging on the street, and people seemed to be in high spirits the further I went into the city.

There were more dragons here than I thought there would be. Some flying high in the sky, others playing with the children happily while their parents called them in to come and eat dinner.

I was happy.

How couldn't I be? Those plans me and Juko made had come to life and flourished perfectly in once unlivable conditions.

Each step I took towards the castle seemed to excite Shyra, she happily bounced on her tiny little feet as the castle came into view.

Just beyond those brick walls was my husband and children including Tatsu and she knew.

"Aren't you just the excited little one." I coo to Shyra who let out tiny little shrills. Flapping her little wings she runs towards the wall surrounding the castle nearly smacking into a guard standing by.

When the guard sees her he merely glances down and then looks at me eyes widening in shock. "I-Ivy?" The man hesitantly steps forward with his hand on his sheathed weapon. I nod my head with a little smile and watch as he bows. "It is a honor to meet you."

"Thank you." I say kindly, stepping up to the gate. "Are we allowed through?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Why of course m'lady, I'll notify the King of your arrival." He says hastily.

I shake my head, feeling the sleeves of my dress fall down my arms. "Don't, I'd like to make my arrival a surprise."

"Of course." He bows again and turns towards the gate to a man on the opposite side. "I can have someone escort you to the King."

"That would be nice, thank you."

The guard nods once again and lifts his arm signaling for the gate to be opened. When it does he turns back to me with a small smile on his face. "You have done a lot for this kingdom, the people are grateful. Families are fed and new leaders have taken place all across the land. They've even made a statue in your honor."

A statue? Just for me? I thought for the most part a lot of the people would have resented me. Most people looked up to the monarchy in their time of need. I killed the old King and Queen and slaughtered half of their army. I burned the city to the ground and instead of hating me they seemed to have praised me. The people were finally opening their eyes and acknowledging the truth. A new leader had to rise to just to make them see that they deserved so much more than false possibilities. "I would love to see it one day."

"Of course, it is in Esaro, the King had the castle rebuilt for you and your family."

I smile my heart warming with knowledge that Juko went out his way to rebuilt Esaro for me and our children. I had wondered if he kept everything that meant something to me. That castle had always been my real home to me, the loved I received in the small months I grew up there could never be replaced. My grandmother had done so much for me and I would forever be grateful.

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