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A/N: So a lot of y'all were not feeling Juko's face claim and I heard y'all loud and clear. I personally found him attractive and maybe it's bc I've seen more complimenting photos of him & his body. So I looked for another guy and this is who I came across. He fits the description of Juko minus the hair so if I see that y'all like him more I'll tweak the description of his look in further chapters.

If y'all don't like him you can always pm me some suggestions or again imagine who you want. We all have a right to our own opinions and I am absolutely ok with that! What I am not ok with is ppl actually attacking me over a picture, I ended up deleting those specific comments as soon as I saw them.  There's no need to be rude we all have our types, again that's absolutely ok! Also if we find someone better I'll post him instead. Just let me know I'm always open and willing to compromise! Until then I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

This chapter is unedited sorry in advance! Also if y'all see any spelling mistakes or grammar errors feel free to let me know, I'll edit a chapter 10x and still end up missing something.

Don't forget to like, comment and share! Support ya girl! ❤️


My heat finally ended three days after I tracked Ivy down. I locked her in the room not wanting her to see the mess I made downstairs. I didn't want her to see my mens blood and organs splattered against the walls and coating the floors. I didn't want her to see the mangled bodies and distorted faces until I had cleaned up the mess I had made. Nor did I want her to know that the banging on the door was Aldo possibly pleading for help. I broke both his legs and punched him so hard in the chest it caved in. I thought he died when he collapsed on the floor barely besting, I was wrong when I finally came out the room.

I wasn't a bad person.

No, I was a good man. But when I was in my heat no one was spared or so I thought.

My heat was hard to control almost like having a parasite living dormant inside of your body. That every once in a while that parasite woke up and thirsted for blood and lust. Keeping my heat at bay was a task in itself. Whenever I fought for control that parasite would pull at the strings of my sanity. Like it was clawing it's way through my mind sinking it's rotted nails into my skull and pushing until my skull cracked. The migraines became worse and the body aches would come back ten times stronger. I was prescribed opioids to help with the pain, they barely put a dent in the pain.

Before I died my heat was not as bad and being in control wasn't as painful. I could push it off with little to no effort. When my first heat appeared after my death I was still in recovery and it remained the same. I spent months in the camp feeling like I had let my father down. That all his hard worked had died in vain and that I would forever remain battered because I let my ego get the best of me.

During this time we had gotten a new set of help, mostly consisting of whores sent by the king to entertain the men. They hardly did their job and I found their presence to be a nuisance to the camp and men. There were seven women that only ever entered my tent, to either provide me with food and or medicine when the frantic doctors were busy. I never spoke to them and whenever they asked me a question they were either met with silence or a irritable grunt.

One night during my second heat I had pulled my case towards me and flipped it open looking for a distraction. I would wince every once in a while holding my ribs as I grabbed the letters Ivy had sent me. I could still smell her sweet perfume that lingered on the crisp white sheets of the letter. It would be my fifth time reading them, inwardly smiling when I saw her asking about me, how my day went, what I was doing and if I was taking care of myself.

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