Book 2 ⚠️ IMPORTANT⚠️

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If you haven't read the post on my page I wanted to make it clear here. Unfortunately I will not be writing as epilogue for TWG like I originally planned. It's already been well over a year since TWG was completed and I swear my brain short circuits every time I even think to write anything else for this book.

With that being there are many unanswered questions in the first book that still have to be answered and even though I was going to just say fuck it and not write the second book I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to myself and all of you as well. Everything in this book will  cover all of those questions you all have and if it gets as much love as the first book I'll consider writing a book for Eden and POSSIBLY Elliot as well.

The second book will be out by January 6/7, 2024 and then I'll try to be as consistent as possible like I did with TWG.

I hope you're all ready and just as excited as I am!!!

Edit: Book Two is now up and under the name Control Me. I'll probably be changing the name of both books once I am finished with the second story. But for now, please enjoy! ❤️

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