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Rose and Prince Anthony lived far off in a southern kingdom called Florin, hours away from where I stayed. The place was known for its peoples beauty and the variety of vibrant flowers that bloomed in the spring. Me and Rose had only been to Florin twice and that was because they were one of the main kingdoms that hosted yearly festivals. The festivals were really to keep the higher class happy and the lower class oblivious. They wanted people to forget about their everyday problems and pretend that there wasn't a ongoing war with the dragons. Of course the people went, I mean who wouldn't want to forget about the possibility of human extinction? This was also the place I had last seen a dragon being brutally beaten by its owner so I wasn't too excited to be here.

The car ride was about a thirty six hour trip so me and Juko left three days before the ball. I was worried at first because my dress wasn't ready and I hated that I had to rush Iris. Yet she did, working day and night to complete my dress so that I could be ready for the ball. She had told me not to unbox the gown until it was ready to be put on. So for now I had no idea what I was going to be wearing which had me on edge because I wasn't even sure if I was going to like the dress.

Once me and Juko made it to a hotel I requested to have my own separate room. Surprisingly enough he honored my request and got me the best room in the house.

I was antsy as the two days passed for the royal ball. So antsy that I couldn't sit on my ass for long. I had forced Juko away from his work and made him take me to the square. We walked around for hours window shopping and taking peaks inside of old antique stores. It helped but not by much, when I was alone I tend to overthink but I had a valid reason to do so.

There was no doubt in my mind that my parents were going to attend the ball. I knew they were going to ask questions and want to know the progress of my marriage. I dreaded seeing them, I dreaded knowing that regardless of who was in front of them they would rip me apart and Rose was no better. It was coming I could sense it.

Finally the day had come to prep for the ball so I had to get ready. It was starting later than usual and wasn't going to end until well past midnight when everyone was drunk and could no longer function.

Slipping in the shower I take my time washing up in some fancy shower gel and shaving until I was smooth as physically possible.

After my shower I straightened, curled my hair and then pinned it up into a intricate style. Once I was done with my hair I moved on to my makeup taking my time to beat my face to perfection. It took me nearly five tries to get my eyebrows to at least look like sisters and if I say so myself I did a damn good job. I looked like a black Barbie doll.

Finally I walk out my bathroom with my towel wrapped tightly around my body and walk over to the box I had sitting out. Nervously I undo the fancy silver bow and remove the lid to reveal a stunning sparkly all white dress with two slits up the front. There were some matching sparkly white elbow length gloves and some pretty strapless transparent heels with a few diamonds attached to them. I decided I would pair them with some diamond studs I had thankfully packed.

To say the dress was beautiful would be a understatement. The dress was stunning and here I was all this time worried that I wasn't going to like it. No, I didn't like it. I loved it.

 I loved it

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