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When I woke the next day, I was in bed alone. I had no idea where Juko was, and I was kind of disappointed in myself. To think he was still upset about our small disagreement. I had no idea how our marriage would survive if the smallest things I said ticked him off. If we continued on this path, our marriage would end before it began.

Throwing the covers from my body, I quickly hop in the shower and come out to see my dress laid neatly on a side chair. After moisturizing, I quickly slip the dress on and make do with my hair. Just as I'm finishing up on my hair, Juko walks into the room. He looks at me but doesn't seem to be angry or upset at all. It made me feel a bit better, but I still decided to tread lightly. I had no idea where his head space was at.

"Hey," I say, sending him a small smile.

He nods at me before flicking his wrist to look down at his fancy silver watch. He was wearing a black t-shirt and black fitted jeans with some boots. The shirt hugged his body, giving me the sightful pleasure of seeing his muscles bulge and contract with every movement.

"We have to get going soon. Are you hungry?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine.. where did you go last night?"

"I slept in another room. I didn't think you'd be comfortable sleeping with me."

"Oh, cool." I sigh in relief.

I was actually grateful that he didn't sleep with me last night. I felt like I would combust if he did. But I would feel bad if he chose to stay and slept on that tiny couch. I'm sure he would've been uncomfortable, yet part of me did want him to sleep with me. I wasn't sure if it was my hormones talking or my own thoughts. It doesn't matter; I let it go.

"I guess it won't matter soon, seeing as we'll be sleeping together once we get to your castle." I joke.

"Our castle." He corrects while picking up my bag and slinging it over his shoulders. "You're my wife now. What's mine is yours."

I flush, feeling my skin heat up, "r-right, you wanna get going? I'm excited to see my new home."

"I already ate but I brought some snacks in case you get hungry on the road. Come."

I nod, slipping my feet into my heels, and follow him out the room. We head downstairs and into the lobby to check out. Once we're done, Juko helps me into the car before hopping in and driving off.

The air still smelled sweet of last nights rain, but it was bright and sunny and a bit hot. I fan myself with my hand even though the window is rolled down.

"Have you ever driven before?" Juko asks as he cuts the a/c on.

I shake my head and laugh a little, "Oh no, my parents barely drove their car as it is. We never went far, so we always used our carriage and horses to get around. But I would love to learn someday."

"I'll teach you. It isn't as hard as you may think." He muses.

"Oh God, what if I crash your car? I feel like I'm going to be horrible. It took me forever to ride a horse properly."

Juko chuckles, blessing me with that deep laughter I always enjoy. "You won't, I promise and if you do, I'll be there. I'll always keep you safe."

I smile, and I just can't seem to help it. It seemed like Juko was over the small disagreement we had at the Inn, which was a relief for me. "When did you first learn to drive?"

"Soon after I was knighted. Right after our wedding night I was taken to a base to start my training. The base I was on had cars. We tend to use them for certain tactics. I had no choice but to learn, and I preferred it over riding a horse. It's far more comfortable."

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