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I shouldn't have been disappointed, but I couldn't help it. Juko admitted to me a few nights ago that he had gone outside of our marriage multiple times. At first, I didn't know how to feel, but after he fell asleep, I cried. I wasn't even sure why I was crying because part of me already knew he did. Juko was too tempting for his own good. Of course, plenty of women had offered themselves to him. Of course, he never denied them because who would when you were in the middle of a war and wanted to release your stress.

Part of me felt stupid enough to think that there was a chance he would wait for me. After he told me he went outside our marriage, he turned on his back and fell asleep. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, but I could say he did not judge me. If anything, he looked a bit surprised that I had waited for him to return home.

It was common for both men and women to go outside of their marriage. Even Rose had indulged herself with men while the Prince was away helping fight in the war. I had really no one to talk to it about, about how I felt betrayed. No man had ever come to me, and I doubt they would now, especially since I was living with Juko.

After the tears, I had finally fallen asleep, only to be woken up to an empty bed. Juko had left hours ago, and I sat there trying to take everything in.

After that, I got up to get my busy day started. I had finally met with my two personal servants and was shown around town. Though I wanted to stay in bed and think everything over to get my mind right. I was going to lead people and didn't want them to think less of me.

The town itself was particularly nice. As if everything had just been built, and the families seemed happy. I had been shown to different clothing shops, bakeries, pharmacies, etc. I enjoyed my time until it was time for me to go home.

I dreaded going back there. I dreaded having to face Juko after he told me what he did. I had no choice. I didn't want father ridiculing me because I was being a coward. I also had some guards escort me so there was no way I could just up and disappear anyways.

When I had come home Juko from what I had been told was busy. I hadn't seen much of him lately, and I figured it was because he was catching up on work.

Today though, I was finally able to relax. I had been sitting out in the garden enjoying the weather with a book in my hand and sweet tea in the other. The garden was my solace, a place where I could unwind and relax. I had been taking advantage of the place for these past few days until I was called to dinner or went to bed.

I flip through the pages of a book; my body sprawled out on the vibrant green grass with my feet up in the air. Every once in a while, I'd look up, watching the flowers sway in the gentle breeze and the bees buzzing while collecting pollen.

"Is this truly what our new leader will be doing all day? Lying in the garden reading books all day?" One of my personal servants teases while refilling my cup with more tea.

I glance up at the woman Uri. She was a beautiful brown-skinned woman with a large afro the size of old Texas. Uri had a beautiful, radiant smile that made it so you couldn't help but smile when she did. I enjoyed her company a lot; she was more than a servant, she was a friend, and I treated her as such.

"Unfortunately, it looks like I don't have anything to rule since Juko takes care of everything." I playfully roll my eyes and take a sip of my tea.

"You could always go shopping for new clothes. I'm sure the General wouldn't mind. Or we could go out and refurnish the house, ride horses, pretty much do anything you want." Uri says, taking a seat next to me. "We also have a pool and many other luxuries you can partake in."

I shake my head, sending her a soft laugh. "I have plenty of clothes though they are hardly appropriate. I will want to go horseback riding eventually, but for now, I think I'd rather relax."

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