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A/N: This chapter is short for a reason, I didn't want to add two different parts but I'll be working on the next chapter tmw. Unedited sorry in advance!

My first thoughts were that Tatsu and Shyra had traveled beyond the forest. That they may have gotten curious and ventured into to civilization by accident. I had hoped and prayed that this day would never come but here it was and I was fearing for my baby's safety. There was no guarantee that the two dragons that towns people were currently holding hostage were Shyra and Tatsu. But then again dragons never travelled this far north and as far as I was concerned, they were the only two hiding in the north. I was panicking internally as Juko began to ask a breathless Leon question. My heart began to race and I could feel my hands becoming sweaty from the fear of the unknown.

I slip away while the two have a short conversation and throw on some jeans and a jacket I was able to salvage from the fire my sister and mother created when they burned my clothes. As soon as I come out Juko emerges from his closet wearing nothing but a metal chest plate that molded to his chest, fitted cargos tucked into black boots with a gun sitting in his holster and a machete in his hand. I can't seem to get a read on his emotions but I know for a fact that he's going to the square to kill those dragons. Seeing him carrying weapons only makes my anxiety spike to a all time high because how the hell was I going to stop a superhuman from killing Tatsu and Shyra?

Convincing him was completely out of the question because for one thing I knew he hated their entire existence. Getting physical wasn't going to work, he would easily overpower me and still slaughter them. And telling him the truth? I was too scared to do so, there was no telling how he would react to finding out I practically raised them behind his back.

"Where do you think you're going?" He questions walking up to me.

"I'm coming with you."

"No, it's too dangerous I can't risk having you get hurt."

"I heard you and Leon's conversation; he said the dragons haven't attacked anyone. If the people there are fine then so will I."

Juko brushes past me heading to the bedroom door, "you're not coming." His voice is firm and final but I keep pushing. I needed to be there, I had to know if Tatsu and Shyra were about to be put down like some wild animal.

"Please let me come with you." I'm practically begging while my body rages with fear. I couldn't possibly bear the thought of my baby's getting hurt or worse killed. "I-I want to see."

He stops, hand on the doorknob glaring at me, "you're not going anywhere. You are going to sit your little ass down and stay put until I get back."

Through the fear I'm starting to get irritated and as much as I want to tell him the truth I can't. "And who says I have to do what you say? I am a grown woman and I can make my own decisions and that means I am going rather you like it or not." I'm getting defensive and it makes Juko stare at me like he knew I was hiding something.

"I'm not going to tell you again, why do you want go so bad Ivy? Tell me."

"Why does it matter?"

"Because taking you would be putting your life at risk, I don't want you to get hurt or die because of your fucking curiosity."

"Juko just please take me with you." I move forward until I'm face to chest with him. "Please."

He stares at me searching my face and when he doesn't find what he's looking for he shakes his head, "no. I have to go I don't have time to waste arguing with you about this."

"I'm going," I ball my fists and I don't back down when his jaw flexes and his eyes pierce my skin in rage. "I'm going rather it's with you or on my own."

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