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I had snuck away and saw Tatsu and Shyra in the middle of the night while everyone was sleep. Since it was a Sunday nearly all of the help was off except for a few guards that had been walking around all four corners off the castle. When they weren't looking I ran outside and took a horse to the last place I had saw them. I had even brought some cooked meat with me in hopes that they would enjoy it. They did, that was before burning the meat to a crisp and eating it. Tatsu wing was doing much better and I even stayed for a while to play with them. They were happy to see me and I was sad to have to leave them but I had no choice. No one could know about them.

I wanted to keep them protected at all costs and didn't want to risk Juko finding out about the two and killing them.

Once I make it back to the castle I tip toe back up the steps and into our room. Juko hasn't been sleeping long and I wanted to make sure I had gotten back before he got up. I push our door open and close it behind me.

Looking over at I see that he's sleep, the covers were thrown lazily over his waist stopping just above his v-line showing off the small scars scattered across his body and his tight abs. He had one arm thrown over his face possibly to block out the moonlight seeping into the room. He looked so calm and at peace while he slept. Lips parted at the slightest while his broad chest rose and fell.

I debated on going back to bed but I wasn't sleepy at all. I had been up too long and the crisp midnight air had me fully awake. So instead of sleeping I make my way over to our bookshelf and pull out that erotic book I hadn't finished reading.

Taking the book back over to the couch I plop down on my back and start reading where I left off.

"We shouldn't be doing this."

Ryder picked up my hand kissing my knuckles delicately. I knew we shouldn't have been doing, this I knew this was wrong. But when I thought back to how my husband was currently at the office sleeping with his secretary all logical thoughts flew out the window. I wanted this man in front of me more than anything. He was too tempting to deny and I could no longer hold out. So I let go.

"Let me treat you the way you are suppose to be treated Hailey." Ryder whispers against my knuckles then uses his other hand to pull me closer. My body presses flush up against his, our naked flesh molding into one another perfectly.

"Make me feel good Ryder." I whispered softly.

The look in his eyes was enough to tell me that he was going to do more than make me feel good. I found myself being pushed back on to the bed. Soft kisses being peppered from my neck down the valley of my breasts and to my lower lips. I was soaking in want, the feeling to have him between my thighs was enough to make me cum right then and there.

I had been sexually deprived for five years that reading a simple cheesy erotica was enough to make my thigh rub together. I imagined myself as the girl Hailey and Juko as the man Ryder. And no matter how hard I tried to think of someone else I just couldn't seem to. My mind wouldn't allow me too.

I peek over the couch to see Juko still sleeping in the same position so I lay back down and continue my reading.

Ryder places chaste kisses across the lower part of my belly, his warm tongue swiping out to taste my flesh like it was his favorite desert.

I lift my dress and spread my legs, fingers dancing lightly across the skin of my stomach as I imagine Juko doing the same. His kisses would be rough and needy like he wanted to taste me like he had to taste me. As if it was his last dying wish. His touches would be filled with a deep urgency to have himself buried deep inside of me. The thought makes my pussy wet.

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