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A/N: Unedited sorry in advance.

The song is optional to listen too! You can start it when ever you like. Though I for the life of me cannot read/write a book with music playing but I definitely had this song on repeat when I wrote the second half of the second scene. The lyrics are just too pure. Anyways enjoy.

Ever since my talk with Juko about my personal space I had a lot more freedom to leave the castle without someone watching me. I knew my time with the two dragons was limited so I spent it wisely. I'd come visit them for at least two hours every other day. I knew it wasn't a lot but it was the best I could do for now.

Tatsu and Shyra seeing me so much more had them extremely comfortable with me. They were fond of me reading to them so anytime I brought a book the two would lay on either side of me and listen. I would enjoy their soft purrs as I read children books to them. They seemed to like it a lot and if I was being honest I believe they could partially understand me. That may be due to the fact that I'm always trying to train them to learn new commands. They picked up on a lot of stuff quick and within the month they were properly trained. I had taught them how to hide, did target practice with their fire and even taught them how to fly low to stay hidden within the tree lines.

On top of that they both had grown to the size of a large horse. Their growth was rapid at their age which meant within five months time give or take they would be fully grown. Watching Tatsu and Shyra grow did something to me. Sometimes I had found myself feeling sad.

I knew that part of the reason why was because eventually I wasn't going to be able to hide them forever. They were wild animals after all so the two dragons being discovered so far north would be inevitable. I debated on telling Juko about them but I always came up short when I listed the pros and cons. Juko hated dragons with a passion and anytime they were brought up he was always spoke negatively about them.

I knew it was because of him wanting to end this tiresome war. Even I wanted it to end but at the cost of losing Tatsu and Shyra's I told myself I would risk it all. I was attached to them as they were to me, they imprinted off of me. I was sure they looked at me as their mother and I truly did look at them as my children. I would do anything to keep them alive as long as I was breathing. Hiding them behind Juko was bound to cause some problems and since we were currently on good terms I didn't want to ruin it. Still I knew I would have to tell him and if he cared about my feelings he would respect that I didn't want them to be harmed. Shyra and Tatsu were gentle souls and they deserved to be treated as so.

A hour ago I had ventured out to come see them. For the last three days they had been missing from their cave. I feared they may have traveled south since winter would be approaching soon. Dragons did have a ten year hibernation. The only indication I had of the two still living in the cave was a large amount of shedded skin lying on the floors.

I called out to them waiting longer than usual and when they finally came they swooped down where Tatsu carried me on his back up into the sky.

At first I was scared, holding on to the one sharp scale Tatsu pushed out his back. I was frighten being so high up in the air. I nearly pissed myself when Tatsu and Shyra flew east, away from civilization and began taking me just above the clouds.

As quickly as my feared came it diminished leaving me utterly captivated by earths beauty.

I was mesmerized as the sun began to set turning the sky a beautiful mix of orange and purple. The stars sparkled brightly from space and the air was cool and crisp. The clouds billowed tightly against each other creating a smooth round looking surface that was soft to the touch. I felt like I was looking at a painting of heaven and at the same time I was living inside of it.

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