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I had never seen Leon so angry until the moment he threatened to kill Dr. Kimble if he didn't save Juko. It was clear Leon loved and cared for his friend so he was trying to do everything in his power to help save him. The frightened doctor and his nurses did surgery on Juko for hours while I sat outside the room against the wall waiting to hear the results. I had been offered food and had many suggestions to take a shower and get some rest until it was over. I was too restless to do either of those things. I stayed outside the door on the floor waiting to hear the results.

While Juko was in surgery Leon doubled the security and put the entire town on lock down until he could figure out who was after Juko. I had learned from Uri that Juko locked her in a room with Summer and a guard. He waited until his sister was somewhat calm until he was finally able to make it downstairs. Which was probably why it took some time for him to come down and save me.

When I was finally able to speak I told Leon about the brief conversation Juko had with the leader of the group attempting to kill him. When I told him the name of the group Leon's face paled, he left and was gone until Juko's surgery was coming to a end.

Juko's heart stopped for thirty three minutes and thirty three seconds. He was pronounced dead and that he had died during surgery.

The moment Juko die on the table I cried all over again. I cried because regardless of everything Juko was a good man. He protected me, took his own life to save my own pathetic one. He didn't deserve this any of this. I wished for those first few minutes that it was me. Because if I died no one would hurt, no one would care or mourn my death. My mother would be relieved that her incompetent daughter was finally dead. I was sure my father would've cared less and my sister... I don't know but I doubted she would've cared too. My entire family bullied me for years so I knew I wouldn't be missed.

Juko had family, friends and a whole kingdom to look after. I had nothing so in comparison my life was worth little to nothing. I would have gladly died for him.

After the first ten minutes of sobbing I stopped only letting the tears dribble down my cheeks and stain his blood coated chest. I couldn't believe he was gone, he was just here and now...

I stared at him trying to ingrain every single detail of his beautiful face in my head. And for a moment as I looked at him he seemed content, like he wasn't even dead but in a deep sleep.

Leon stood behind me but he couldn't stand to be in the room for much longer. Eventually he had to walk out and just for a second I could hear a soft deep sob.

I held Juko's cool hand, "I promise I will see you again."

"Mrs. Saigoni-" Dr. Kimble stopped talking the moment Juko's chest jolted upwards violently. His back falls and hits the table roughly as he took a large breath of air breathing the life back into himself. As soon as that happened I was escorted out of the room while Doctor Kimble rush to stabilize him and do after care. To make sure that his vitals were stable, his blood was circulating and his organs were properly functioning.

After Doctor Kimble stated that Juko was sleep he told me I could come see him. A few hours had passed but I couldn't seem to move from my spot. It was like a I was frozen in place as I kept replaying the moments leading up to his death in my head.

It should have been me.

I didn't move when Summer and her parents entered the room and stayed for a while. I didn't move when Jema tried to talk me out of my comatose like state. I didn't move when Leon came back to visit and left out not before trying to talk to me. It was clear I was shaken up and the events had taken a toll on my mental state of mind.

Jema, Tim and Summer stayed for a few more hours but after that they left. Tim had his own kingdom he had to get back to and Jema and Summer had no choice but to leave. I wanted to ask for Summer to stay it was clear that she was distressed but I wasn't sure her being in Amorite would be safe for her. On top of that I don't think I really had a say in the matter.

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