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I had been sitting at the table for quite some time now. I could barely comprehend how things turned sour so quickly. My mother had to be out of her mind to speak about Juko and his family like that. She couldn't even be one to talk since my grandmother was the one that married our family into money in the first place. If my mother hadn't come from it then I know for a fact my father wouldn't have chosen her to marry. He was as high class and uptight as they come, in his words he wouldn't dare marry someone that came from filth.

And although I knew Juko and his mother had problems of their own he was very protective of Jema. Margie was insane, batshit crazy to even try and utter out what I think she was going to say about her. Jema in just a short month was more of a mother to me than my own mother. She had no room to talk about anyone when she in fact wasn't the best mother herself.

I had been sitting at the table for nearly twenty minutes now. Juko had been in the bathroom ever since and I figured it was to calm down. Still I was growing impatient with waiting for him to come back. My sister and Prince Anthony had already been announced and were finally inside of the ballroom. I was going to go over and speak to them since I knew it was the respectful thing to do but the infamous couple was quickly bombarded by the large crowd of people. So I'd have to wait. It was only a matter of time before she came over to say something to me anyways.

Taking another sip of my wine I tap my foot impatiently against the marble floor still waiting for Juko to pop back up. I wanted to apologize again for my mothers behavior and possibly even have a dance to ease the tension of my mothers wrong doings.

"I hate to see such a beautiful woman like yourself sitting here all alone." Comes a deep voice to the left of me.

I look up meeting a pair of brown eyes, it was a white man that was quite handsome. From the pins he had attached to his suit I quickly came to the conclusion that he was a knight.

I laugh off his comment and shake my head, "I'm not here alone. I came with my husband."

"Oh really?" The handsome stranger says with a broad smile. "I don't see a ring on your finger so I couldn't have guess."

"Oh yeah... I have to get it replaced." I lie smoothly.

"What a shame, I just about to come over here and ask you to marry me right on the spot. It would have been quite the show." He jokes taking the seat Juko previously sat in. "The names Adam Sykes, what's yours?" Adam says while extending a hand out to me.

I shake his hand with a small smile, "Ivy Saigoni, its pleasure to meet you Adam."

"Ahh the pleasure is all mine Ivy, so you're the wife of the infamous War General Juko Saigoni, it's quite a honor to meet you. The General sure is a lucky man to snatch up a woman like you, you're very beautiful." He smiles back.

"Well thank you..." it's awkward for a second and it's only because Adam hasn't stopped smiling and is looking at me like I'll be his last supper. "So you're a knight?" I say clear my throat pointing to his pins.

"Yes ma'am, it's a blessing I even came out of this war alive. Most men like me don't make it out there as long as I have."

"Well I'm sure if you got pins it means you did a fine job fighting in the war."

Adam laughs, "damn straight, war was hell." He shakes his head. "But I fought my ass off to stay alive. I was actually stationed on the same base as your husband. I even fought in the war along side him."

"Oh wow, what was that like?"

"Amazing you should see him in action. That man was born to be a leader, he set the entire camp straight once he stepped foot on that base."

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