【The Heat Pt 2】

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I'll put you first, just close your eyes and dream about it.

Fka Twigs -Two Weeks


When Juko was sedated he fell on top of me with all of his weight and nearly crushed every bone in my body. My ribs almost snapped in half and it seemed like a eternity before the guards were finally able to lift him off of me. There were several guards struggling to hold him up but once they got me from under him all eyes were adverted elsewhere while I was quickly wrapped in the sheets Juko was using and lead out the basement.

A thousand and one thoughts were running through my head yet I could barely focus. My legs were trembling and I felt weak in the knees from the powerful orgasm I had just received no less that five minutes ago. I briefly wondered what was going to happen to Juko now. He broke his chains and bent the cell bars open allowing his massive body to pass through them. Lost in my thoughts I was quickly pulled out of them when one of the guards began to speak to me. "Mrs. Saigoni we are-"

"Ivy!" Leon shouted once he saw me coming down the hall surrounded by guards. He looked me up and down frowning at my frazzled state and the guards frantically walking in and out the basement. "What the hell happened?" He asks once he was standing in right front of me.

I didn't want to tell Leon about my stupid idea and how Uri had finally convinced me to try and seduce Juko. Or how my plan ended up backfiring with me lying flat on my back while Juko ate me out and fingered me to completion.

"I um... went to see Juko." I reply sheepishly.

Leon's eyes widen, "you did what?" He nearly yells.

I cringe knowing well what I did was stupid. Of course I knew it was stupid even when I was putting on my lingerie set I thought it was stupid.

"You shouldn't have done that not unless you were trying to prov..."

"I was." I quickly cut him off. "But I asked him to stop when things got out of control."

"Where is he now?"

"They sedated him, he's still in the basement."

Leon places his hands on his hips and begins to pace. "Good God." He stops his pacing and looks down at the sheets wrapped securely around my body. "It seems like things did get out of control. Where are you taking her?" He asks one of the guards.

"Sir we need to escort her out of castle and have her lay low for a while. The General broke through his chains and cell."

Leon's eyes widen. "What the fuck those chains and bars were made out of tungsten metal we paid hundreds of thousands for those!"

"Wait what does that mean?" I frowned.

"Ivy it can take anywhere between between fifty to sixty thousand pounds to bend that kind of metal." Leon pinches the bridge of his nose and now I feel guilty... and slightly turned on by my husband's strength.

"I-I I'm sorry Leon I didn't know."

"It's fine, it's our fault for thinking that cell could hold him. Edwards how long do we have before Juko wakes up?"

"We are unsure."

"It's been a few days so Juko could be in heat for another two to three days. With that being said I need you to go upstairs, change and pack some clothes as quickly as possible. I'm going to have you sent to a undisclosed location with a few guards. I'll stay here and make sure nothing happens you, got it?"

I nod my head, "I do."

"Good, now go we don't have much time." Leon moved passed me and walked through the basement doors.

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