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The triplets had been sleeping a lot lately and I knew it had to do with the fact that they were growing rapidly. They were aging rather quickly and it took a lot of their energy. I tried to keep them woke so that I could spend time with them so. I didn't want to kiss any stage of their growth but unfortunately after feeding time it didn't take them long to fall asleep in my arms. Motherhood was exhausting anyways and in all honesty I just wanted to sleep and relax anytime they were out.

On top of the triplets wearing me out Juko had been insistent on sleeping in the same bed as me. There wasn't enough room on the small queen size bed for Juko's massive form yet he was insistent on staying in the same bed as me. The space was cramped causing me to sleep at odd angles which played a part into in body being sore.

Part of me knew it was for his own reassurance. On the rare occasion when I would catch Juko asleep he would have his face buried deeply in my neck and with his arm so tightly wrapped around my waist I could hardly breath. I had a inkling of a assumption that he was scared of losing us, that he didn't want to lose his family. Or may he feared that one day he's wake up and it'll all be some sick joke the universe threw out to him that this wasn't real.

Today was like any other day, after putting the twins to sleep in their own room I went back to mine. I since they were getting older fast I was trying to get them use to sleeping in their own room without me or Juko around.

I peel off my clothes, grab a book and head into the bathroom to start a warm bath.

I make sure to add some epsom salt and lavender, my body had been sore and I was exhausted to no end. Thought I had healed like I said before keeping up with triplets was tiresome on its own.

Once the tub is filled to the brim and the steam is rising from the water I step in and sink into the hot water.

I could feel my muscles relax as I picked up my book and began reading in silence. When the bath runs cold thrice I finally put my book down and wash up thoroughly. When I'm done I step out the tub, dry off and drain the water.

Heading into my closet I moisturize before quickly throwing on a a flowy white dress and fix my hair.

Juko's still outside chopping wood so after I checked on on my babies I head downstairs and into the kitchen.

It was as hot as ever on this beautiful summer day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun was beaming down on the house. At night it typically got cool and since the insulation in the castle needed to be replaced Juko had decided on chopping wood to keep us warm.

Pouring a glass of lemonade I head out the back door and into the garden to see Juko splitting planks of wood in half with an axe. He's wearing black levi jeans, decided to go shirtless allowing me to see his chest and abs coated in a layer of sweat.

My body I couldn't help the tremble in my legs when I see the beautiful sight in front of me.

"What are you doing out here?" Juko stops when he sees me. He causally swings the axes in one hand as I sent him a faint smile.

"It's hot so I wanted to bring you something to drink before you pass out." Resisting the urge to rub my thighs together I push forward and hand the drink over to him.

"Thank you." He smiles downing the lemonade in one go.

"You're welcome, did you want some more?" I say placing my hands on my back to stretch the soreness out. It feels good but it wasn't enough to ease the pain. I never realize what a toll carrying babies would take on your body until I had my own. Especially your back, I had heard women still having back pains years after having children.

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