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A/N: Ivy at the top but you can imagine her however you like. ❤️


I had decided to do some exploring on my own since Juko was gone again. This time before he left he made sure to tell me. Though I was happy he came to me I still hated the fact that he was leaving again. As he told me he wouldn't be gone for long but I couldn't wait to see him again.

So here I was in middle of the forest tapping the ground with a stick and looking for any signs of life. I had seen a mountain lion a few days ago but other than that it was as if the wild life stayed away from most of the human population. Of course I didn't blame the creatures, I wouldn't want to become someone's next meal either.

Finally after a while I spot a bunny and when it sees me it takes off in the other direction. So I did the most rational thing anyone would do. I chase it. It was fast hopping and bouncing off of trees, nature was its playground and to the bunny I was it's predator. I ran and ran until my lungs burned and my legs gave out. I had managed to keep up with it for some time and could see the sly little creature turn around to stare at me. It's cute little nose rising and falling from the chase.

"I'm going to get you." I joking catching my breath before standing back on my feet.

The bunny hops in its spot, tiny fluffy tail wiggling before it turns around and hops off. It takes no more than four little hops before a large fire blew its way burning the bunny to a crisp.

I gasps my eyes widen and I immediately wonder what the hell that was. My red flags were flashing  and the alarm bells began ringing in my head.

It couldn't be what I think it is... so what other animals could possibly burn that poor bunny to a crisp in seconds? None, it had to be a dragon but if it was then I would be thoroughly confused.

Dragons resided more so in the south, they liked the heat better and flourished in its weather. It was quite rare to have one come so far up north. It couldn't be a dragon it just couldn't. So what the hell was it then?

Curiosity killed the cat yet I can't help the curiosity that seemed to be running through my head. If it wasn't a dragon that did that, then what was it? There was only one way to find out.

I move forward stepping over dried leaves and twigs to keep as silent as possible. Peeking around the shrub I take in the sight of a very small dragon that looked to be no older than a week. Red and black scales covered it's flesh and bones reminding me of a volcano. It's eyes were just as red and it had a few sharp pointy scales that circles around its head like a crown and went down to its upper back. The beast claws were sharp and black like it's skin.

I had noticed that one of its wings had been shot through with an flimsy arrow disallowing the creature to fly. It was frightening and beautiful all at the same time. Especially when I saw the rabbits blood all over its mouth.

I gasp taking a step back and when it hears me it turns his head and makes a squeaky purring noise. It makes no sudden movements likes it's going to attack, it just turns, stares at me blankly and purrs.

I don't feel fear, if anything I'm bubbling with curiosity to come over and study the creature up close. I had never seen a dragon this close up and knew from the books I had read that at this age they never strayed far from their parents. So how did it end up here all alone and wounded?

I raise my hands, it's molten red eyes following my every move. "I'm not going to hurt you little guy, I just want to check your wound ok?" I feel silly talking to the thing like it can understand me but there a certain confidence in me that knows it won't hurt me. I'm sure.

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