Chapter 4: Roman my beloved

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tw: mentions of death, some panicking

When he got back to his appartement, it must've been some point between 5 and 6 am. Logan couldn't know; his phone's battery had died at some point in the past 2 days.

2 days.

That's how long he had been unconsci- no. That's how long he'd been dead. Virgil seemed like a nice- like a decent guy. But he had killed him. Well, he was just following Janus's orders... that was even worse.

The young vampire was now sitting on the floor of his appartement, next to the bed, head buried between his arms, legs pulled to his chest. He was finally alone with his thoughts. He wished he wasn't.

Now that the distractions of taking in Virgil's appartement, talking to Janus, the bickering between them all, the getting used to this new nature, new reality, now that those were gone... Well, there were consequences.

Logan had a job. A family. A live. Friends. He could lose all those. He was a vampire now. A vampire. A bloody vampire. How would they react? How would he hide it? Should he hide it? Would he be able to hide it? He- no. No one could know. No one could ever know. His relationships where already loose, a shocker like this... he- he could lose everything. He could lose everyone! And- and- be alone again.

No. he- he couldn't. He couldn't allow it. He couldn't be alone again. Wouldn't allow it.

Why. Why had Janus done this. Why had Janus ruined his live?

But he knew. He knew the reason. Janus was "helping" him. To his eyes, Janus believed he was doing good. And that's what he hated. That's what made Logan want to scream and shout and break things and throw his friend off a window. He hated how he understood, how he was able to place himself in the eyes of that... that snake, how he could see through those pale eyes and evaluate the reasons why this was for the best. It was disgusting. His feelings were disgusting. All of this was worth throwing up for.


The young vampire had no idea how long he had stayed there, drowning in self-pity. All he was aware of was waking up at some point, his eyes had closed and his mind had drifted off to unconsciousness. Logan hadn't even noticed falling asleep. Didn't remember pulling the sheets to the floor and wrapping himself in them. All he remembered was the anger, the tears and the wanting to scream, words getting strangled in his throat. According to the alarm clock on the beside table, it was 11am. Either Logan had stayed many hours crying, or he had slept a lot. Probably both.

Still, he was tired. Not tired in the sense he needed more sleep, but tired of being trapped in this situation. Tired of crying, tired of the anger, tired of Janus, tired of himself. He needed a distraction. After about 5 hours his phone should be charged already, right...?

For the first time in two (was it three now?) days, Logan turned his phone on. He was genuinely surprised by the number of notifications he saw. Honestly, it didn't cross his mind that anyone would worry.

Some were spam emails, one or two following requests on his Instagram, a call from his boss which would probably spark some conflict. That was all expected. What wasn't was the 5 missed calls and 50 something text messages from Roman.

Logan scrolled through the many messages. They started with Roman ranting about this fight ey'd gotten into with another of the actresses of their production but continued with crown asking how Logan was every few hours, the tone of their messages progressively getting more and more concerned, instead of angrier. The last message read:

Roman: Are you angry at me for some reason? Sorry if I did anything wrong, I'm just worried about you

Please answer

That had been sent last night at midnight.

The panic that had manage to die off surfaced again inside Logan. He didn't know how to react to all of this sudden attention. He had to reply and make up for all of this, but didn't know either how to reply, nor how to assure that he could never, ever be mad at Roman, that it was impossible for that to happen. He had to make up an excuse and he had to do it fast.

Logan: Roman!

Sorry for not answering your messages

I'm not mad, I swear

The young vampire jumped slightly when a text from Roman appeared.

Roman: HI LO!!

Happy to see u replied!! :D

What happened?

You haven't been around for 2 days!!!

Oh right- excuses-

Logan: yeah, sorry, I was sick



Logan: yeah, yeah

Don't worry

Got sick, forgot to charge my phone, it died, etc.

I'm better now, although I'll probably won't go to work today either

Roman: U sure you're ok?

Last time you got sick it was... disastrous.

Logan internally groaned to the mention of that event. The man had gotten the highest fever but refused to rest, meaning he ended up making half his co-workers sick, as well as falling over several times and ruining props. After that, the director had begged Logan to stay home when sick.

Logan: don't worry, I'm alright.

Roman: I don't have your address, but I could always come over?

If you need anything?

Ya know?

Shit shit shit shit shit

Logan: No need!

I'll probably be fine by tomorrow

Don't worry

It may be contagious

No need to come

Roman: Alright... :((

See ya soon???

Logan: of course

Roman: Yay!!


Logan sighed, letting the phone down. He would never admit it, but the faintest smile had begun to creep into his face upon seeing the worry that Roman expressed. Roman actually cared about him... It didn't really matter now, did it? The chances of ever getting closer with prince had lowered astronomically in just 3 days. It would be better to just forget and let go. Unfortunately, that's what the man had been attempting to do for the past 3 months to no avail. 


SO! We finally got to (sorta) meet Roman!!! 

For those who might be confused, Roman is non-binary (i STILL havent decided a gender for em because idk, but its prob princegender or something along those lines (a xenogender or if not just enby)) and they use ey/prince/crown/they/cloud pronouns

Also, Roman is one of the leads of this musical where Logan also works in, Logan is one of the techs, just so ya know n all

Until the next time, take it easy guys gals and non binary pals!

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