Chapter 13: these ppl really need to get their shit together

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we got to 500 reads!! halfway through for the 1k baby!

"Janus, I don't understand what you're saying,"

Logan was pacing up and down his living room after receiving a surprise call from Janus. It seemed like the guy didn't understand the concept of texting... which probably he didn't. The younger vampire had recently gotten home from work, so the time would be between 11:30 pm and midnight. His plans for the night included enjoying this new space documentary he'd found, not another nonsense call from his friend.

"Is it the reception not working? Did I hit the mute button again? Wait a minute... VIRGIL! HOW DO I UMMUTE THE PHONE!?" Logan winced when Janus yelled, his phone very much not being on mute.

"No, Janus, that's not what I-"

"You called?" Logan heard Virgil's voice approaching. Oh well, it looked like they were doing this again-

"I think I'm on mute, Logan can't hear me,"

"Yes, I can," Logan called out.

"You can?" Janus asked

"Yes, I can hear you."

"Hey there dreamboat, how ya do?"

"Virgil, not now, I'm having an important conversation with him."

"Alright then, see ya nerds later"

There was silence for a few seconds before Janus spoke again.

"Ok, so he is gone. What was the part you did not understand?"

Logan rubbed his eyes, wondering how on earth he got to this situation.

"What the heck do you mean with wanting me to become Patton's new teacher?"

"I think it's quite self-explanatory, dear."

"It's not," Logan internally groaned. How he had been a friend with Janus before all this was a true mystery... ok, that wasn't being fair on Janus, all things considered he was nice, "Doesn't he go to school?"

"He doesn't, actually. The tadpole hasn't attended traditional school in 4 years aproximately. He's been home-schooled since he was 6 or 7"

"Oh, really? How so?"

"It's a long story"

"A story for another time, I assume?"

"You know me so well"

"I hate you"

"I love you too, dear"

"Who has been teaching him then?"

"Us four: Emile, Remus, Virgil, and me. At first, we tried some private teachers, but it was a bit hard, so we quit those a year or two ago. Dates are hard, so excuse me if i get my numbers wrong. Until now we've managed fairly well, but Patton is a very intelligent kid and we're running out of things to teach him. Remus and I have somewhat... Outdated knowledge on most fields, so we can only teach him languages, some history and literature. Emile doesn't remember half the things he learned in middle school nor high school, but he tries. Virgil is the one who's been doing most the work, but he's not the greatest teacher considering the frequency of him getting into arguments with Patton about the curriculum and the fact that he is a busy vampire."

"How on earth is Virgil a better option than Emile?"

"Virgil has been catching up on lost time during the past decade or so. He graduated high school approximately 6 years ago and is currently in the process of finishing his doctorate. He says he'll be done in less than a year, but we'll have to see."

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