Chapter 10: sad boi hours

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thanks for 400 reads y'all!! yer the best <3

TW: talking bad about someone behind their backs, lowkey repression and denial, idk, kinda logan angst ya know

(and btw idk how theatre works, enika please dont come to me with the shit i got wrong im sorry)

As usual, today's show was a success. Less people came today, but the numbers were still high. There had been an issue today tho; one of the spotlights wasn't working for no apparent reason. There had been a small panic, everyone scared that it had broken down and they had to perform without it. Thankfully, Logan was able to find the key to the problem bare minutes before they had to start. As it turned out, someone had messed up connecting the cables, that's all. It wasn't broken equipment, just a small human mistake.

That night, Logan stayed a bit behind, checking over everything just in case. While the other members of his team insisted that there was no need on doing so, the vampire insisted. Tomorrow would be Monday and there'll be no performances, but for Tuesday there was a chance that they'll all forget this issue and have another slip up, something Logan refused to allow.

Finally, the vampire was finished. He picked his backpack and started to go towards the exit when he heard voices talking. At first, he thought of ignoring their conversations (as he would normally do) and go on with his day (night), but something he head made him stop dead in the tracks, pushing him against the wall, desiring to know the theme of said conversation. That "something" was his name.

"Logan?" The voice belonged to Laura, one of the actresses, "Are you sure you want him to come?"

"You know how he is," Jack, form the sound department added, "He will more likely say no, so why bother?"

"Come on guys!" Logan was slightly shocked to hear Roman's voice speak up, "He will never agree to come if we never ask him!"

"Roman, I get it, you pity the man, but it's not worth it. He won't want to come. And if he does, he'll only end up boring the rest of us, Logan doesn't know how to have fun."

"First of all, rude much?" Logan could practically hear Roman's stance changing, his hands probably moving around now, "If he doesn't want to go, it'll be his choice! Also, how can you say that? I've only seen you talk to him like- 3 times! That's not enough to judge a person, Jack, much less say that they're boring and not know how to have fun!"

"Why are you so insistent on bringing him along anyways?"


Logan walked away, having eavesdropped enough for his own liking. He took in a shaky breath, forcing himself to calm down. He had heard enough.

It didn't bother him that much, at least not as much as it could've. He had heard worse anyways. Logan worked alone as much as he could on purpose, keeping everyone else away was no accident. Few were able to break his bubble, one of these people being Roman, which had proven how dangerous it was to let this happen. Logan couldn't afford slip ups, he couldn't afford a relationship, he couldn't afford being vulnerable.

His last friend had turned out to be a vampire and killed him, for goodness's sake! Who knows what'll happen if he allowed himself to get closer to others!?

It was better to be alone and hurt lightly from a distance than getting close to people and loose it all again. The stakes were higher now that he was no longer human.

Logan heard footsteps behind him. At first, they were slow, but they quickly increased in speed and closeness; someone was running towards him. The vampire turned to see Roman coming in his direction. The enby had eir hair tied up in a low ponytail, even if this didn't accomplish its job of keeping cloud's hair off their face as some of it still fell over princes chocolate eyes. Instead of the princely outfit crown wore for the play, prince was currently wearing a yellow shirt that almost looked golden, light blue jeans, and a puffy white coat along with their characteristic red scarf. Logan noticed that ey was wearing tall, heeled, brown boots, which added to the wonder on how they could run in them with such grace. Another reason why Roman was so amazing.

"Logan! Hey, wait up!" Roman exclaimed. Logan stopped walking and waited for the other one to get next to him.

"Roman? What is it?"

"I, um- I was wondering... well, me and a buncha lads-"

"It's "a bunch of lads and I", Roman. Watch your grammar"

"Oh, right," Roman blushed, fidgeting with the end of eir scarf, "Anyways- a bunch of lads from work and I are going to a bar now, to enjoy the night while we can and all, and... well, I was wondering if you wanted to tag along!"

It was impressive, that Roman convinced the others to ask Logan along. Or perhaps they hadn't come to any agreement, Roman did tend to ignore everyone else and do whatever prince considered best.

'Roman, I get it, you pity the man, but it's not worth it. He won't want to come. And if he does, he'll only end up boring the rest of us, Logan doesn't know how to have fun.'

Jack's words replayed in Logan's mind. The vampire sighed before looking up at Roman.

"Sorry Ro, but I don't think it'll be the best idea..."

"Aw, come on! It'll be a good way to relax and bond with the group!"

"I don't do the best in social situations, sorry. In the end I'll only be bringing you all down and ruining the night."

Roman frowned, deflating slightly. A pinch of guilt shot through Logan's heart, he hadn't meant to upset his crush, but it'll be for the best. Besides, this'll be a bar, and it isn't like Logan could eat or drink normal food anymore. He had tested eating bread before, the results of it making him wary of trying anything else.

"And- and if we did something us two?" Roman insisted, taking Logan by surprise. He had started flapping his hands "We could- we could... um-"

"Roman," Logan held Roman's hands, which made the other look down at them, just then noticing how cloud was moving them, "It's alright, I don't mind being alone every once in a while; asides, I don't want you sacrificing your plans for nothing."

"I-" Roman looked up at Logan, "Alright. I just didn't want you to miss out on the fun"

"Don't worry, I'll be alright on my own. See you on Tuesday?"

"Mm-hm!" Roman nodded. Logan nodded back before letting go of Roman's hands and walking away. Behind him, the others were gathering together once more. Before leaving, Logan caught one last sentence

"See? I told you he wouldn't want to come"


I thought it'll be a nice idea to add this lil insight to Logan's work life... it's fun to do lol

(also yes, in case u didn't know, i'm updating this lil shit 3 times a week now because i have no self control)

Peace, Love and Granola!

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