Chapter 27: Logan deserves a break. Seriously.

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Would y'all want to do a QNA when we get to 2k reads? Just wondering lol (currently at 1.8k)

TW: obvious filler chapter, mentions of past abusive relationship

Logan sat smiling on his bed as he read a book. Things were finally calm for once.

The incident with Virgil's birth(death)day was resolved the next day, celebrating it on the early afternoon before Logan had to go to work, but only after the adults had a little talk with Virgil over what had happened for them to celebrate so late.

The past three weeks had been... something. For Christmas, Logan's family- no, his parents- asked him to come by and visit. He refused. Even if his parents meant well with this invitation (or so he hoped), he couldn't stand being around all the other members of his extended family, not after the past celebrations. As far as Logan was concerned, they didn't exist anymore. Besides, Logan wasn't even religious, so why even celebrate this stupid holiday? There simply was no point. The vampire preferred spending it all alone, as he had for the past few years. He spent Christmas day alone in his small apartment, putting on TV and staring into the walls, drowning in his self-pity and wondering what his family would be doing without him, and how things would've been if they had been different. If he had been different. He knew it wasn't worth it, but that didn't stop the vampire to allow himself some time to let himself feel those things

Not much happened for New Years either. Virgil invited him to come party, but Logan refused the offer. He didn't enjoy the crazy parties some people celebrated (he had a suspicion that Virgil's plan included getting drunk). Apart from Virgil, the people from work also offered him to come to this other party, something which Logan also declined. Roman said that prince would only go if Logan went, and, honestly, Logan would only go if Roman went. As Logan knew that he would get bored and possibly overwhelmed, and that the party would probably have a similar effect on Roman, he decided to stay home instead. He didn't see much point on celebrating this anyways. Yes, the earth finished the orbit around the sun, that was interesting from a space-nerd perspective, but most people ruined this by making stupid resolutions. First of all, most of them forgot or gave up less than a month later, two max. And second of all, if you wanted to that, why not start at literally any other point of the year? It didn't make much sense.

Another thing that occurred during this period of time was that Logan started to get invited to the movie nights with the vampires, but apart from that, everything stayed relatively the same.

It was strange. It was strange that things seemed so... normal, in regards to the other aspects of his live. Because. Nothing. Had. Change. No one seemed to notice anything. Not... not even Roman. The person who Logan felt closest to, prince didn't seem to be questioning anything. It had been two months, and it was as if Logan had never died. Ok, he hadn't been actually dead for long... Still. While the logical part of him was glad for his success on hiding this, meaning that he wasn't in danger- The more emotional part of him questioned if such thing was actually good. If Roman really cared for him. Because if ey did, crown would've said something, noticed something, acted different... wouldn't cloud?

Logan shook his head and forced himself to keep reading. He had lost concentration and forgotten where he was going. At least there was peace in the house.

Of course, this peace didn't last long. His phone, which was next to him, started buzzing.

"What now?" He asked, answering the call

"Bonjour Logan," Janus replied, "You see-"

"Is he there?" Virgil's voice asked. His voice wasn't as clear as Janus's, and there was a bunch of background noise coming from somewhere, music and people talking. What on earth...

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