Chapter 44: Does it show that shit's gonna go down? because it is

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TW: mentions of being kicked out, slight arguing ig, mentions of getting a scar and violence

"Hello?" The guy asked, voice sounding a bit raspy, "I'm looking for, uh... The Python?"


All five stared at the stranger, who awkwardly waited for a response. 

If he was being honestly, Logan was a tad bit... scared, in a sense. No one in the room gave signs of recognizing the stranger, while they knew exactly what they were doing there. Janus always talked in a way that made it seem like he knew half the world, which, true, he had a tendency to forget certain things, but Remus? He had been with Janus since forever, so if he didn't give signs of recognizing them either? There was something wrong going on here, Logan could feel it.

Patton was the one to break the silence

"Who are you?" The kid asked. The stranger looked down at him, a mix of curiosity, confusion, and surprise in their face. Remus placed a hand on the child's shoulder.

"I'm August, August Brown- Sorry, do I have the wrong house? Isn't this where the python lives?"

"No, he-" Remus started, but was stopped by Janus, who tapped his shoulder and glared at his husband before turning back to August.

"You aren't mistaken, this is the python's residence," Janus simply said, studying the individual up and down, "Now, answer me. Who are you? Why are you asking?"

"Oh- well- look, I'm very new to all of this, alright? I really don't know what I'm doing- I've only been a vampire for what, a few weeks? A month already? I'm not too sure... Look- the reason I'm here is because I have nowhere else to go, and I heard that the python used to help people in my situation? Vampires who need help? I got fired because of budget cuts, my boyfriend broke up with me when he found out I'm... when he found out I'm not human anymore, so- I just need a place to stay until I can get a job and fix things up. If you guys don't do that anymore, it's fine, but I had to try"

Logan looked around the room, taking in everyone's expressions. Patton just looked generally confused and somewhat curious, the poor child probably didn't have any idea what exactly was going on. Emile's face was strangely unreadable, simply serious, stoic. This was... very out of character, as he always had a display of emotions in his face, similarly to his son. On the other hand, Remus's one was very clear; he looked offended, mad even, obviously ready to kick this guy out, while Janus... Janus's expression was soft, one of pity.

"You may come in, August," Janus said, "Patton, how about you go to your room? And Emile, be a dear and take August to one of the empty rooms in the basement, I'm sure there's one in there in shape that he can use. Offer him a glass of blood as well, I'm sure he'll need it"

Remus turned to his husband with a look of disbelief while Patton obediently went upstairs. Emile moved out of the way, letting August in. The second August was out of earshot, Remus spoke

"Janus, what the fuck do you-"

"Not now, Remus," Janus glanced at Remus, who frowned deeper before he went over to the stairs and ran- well, not ran, but went as fast as his leg allowed- up.

This left Logan and Janus alone, standing by the open door. The shorter vampire sighed, rubbing his eye with his gloved hand. He pushed the door close before glancing at the stairs, towards the spot where Remus had disappeared.

"I should really go talk to him, huh?" Janus mumbled under his breath, talking more to himself than anything

"Could you... explain to me what just happened?" Logan asked, worry slipping into his voice.

"Of course- I always forget how young you are," Janus sighed, "Basically, a while ago, around late 19 hundreds, there was this issue with vampire hunters and-"

"And you offered your house for the people who needed it, vampires and humans alike, helping them get back on their feet, etc., that's how you met Nico," Logan finished for him.

"Have I told you this story already?" Janus asked, momentarily confused.

"Last week," Logan confirmed.

"Oh, you're right, you're right. What did you mean then? What are you confused about?"

"I mean with August, why did Remus storm off like that? Is he ok?"

"Oh, that- It's... a long story. Sort of," Janus sighed, "Logan... have I ever told you how I got this scar?"

Janus pointed at the one that crossed his eye, the one that started up before the eyebrow and trailed down to his cheekbone, the one that left his eye milky white. Logan shook his head.

"If I'm being honest, I don't remember exactly how it happened. I remembered I wasn't expecting it, that I was scared, of course, but not the act itself. And I prefer it that way, never mind what Emile might say. I have enough with the nightmares already. Anyways, long story short, it appears the business I used to dwell in more caused some... complaints, which led to me having to "get taken care of". I obviously got out alive, but Remus wasn't too fond of the fact that the situation occured in the first place. He got quite scared and ended up convincing me to part away from that life, never having liked any of this. I did, you no longer see me being in charge of riots anymore and I no longer terrorize politicians... tho I do lend a helping hand every once in a while in the riot department- Anyways, the fact that someone came looking for "the Python"... It must've stirred some bad memories," Janus glanced up the stairs again

"You should go talk to him."

"I'm going to, don't worry," Janus sighed, "I'll probably be busy now with this, you can stay to help if you wish"

"Help with what part, exactly?"

"Probably either distracting Patton or helping Emile and the new guy. But I won't blame you if you wish to go home."

"I think I'll stay," Logan said, watching as Janus was already going towards the stairs, unsure if he had listened. The vampire sighed before following up, deciding to go with Patton and entertain the child a bit, even if their lessons had been interrupted. 



Peace, Love and Granola

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