Chapter 38: The one in which Logan realizes Janus needs vocab cards

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Already expecting Janus's scream, Logan had wisely taken the phone as far away from his ear as it was possible while still holding it, to avoid getting deaf. In all honesty, Janus's over-enthusiasm over some things drove him crazy sometimes, but... well, in this case, it was somewhat justified. We are talking about Janus, the hopeless romantic, the guy who has been trying to help Logan out with his social live for years now- the news was obviously going to excite him.

Finally, the vampire seemed to have calmed down, or at least he had stopped screaming and was able to make coherent sentences once more, to which Logan risked putting his phone next to his ear once more to have an actual conversation with his friend.

"Tell. Me. EVERYTHING!" Janus exclaimed. Logan thanked the lack of background noise, it seemed Janus was alone at the moment... and thank God he was, because he didn't know if he could deal with Virgil pestering him as well as soon as he heard the whole story.

"Janus, seriously, you need to calm down, there isn't much to-"

"Bullshit! Don't try those cheap tactics on me! First, I have to stand you gushing over how cool Roman is. Then, I have to deal your existential crisis over the discovery of your crush- which, honestly honey, it was very obvious. It was even worse when you got all depressed over the fact that "roman would never ever ever be interested in a nerd like me" and started repressing your feelings. After more than a year, you FINALLY get to call that man your partner, and I've had to deal with your whimpering every stage of the way, so you owe me an explanation on how the story took such a dramatic turn. So, as I was saying.... TELL. ME EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG"

Logan let a sigh escape his lips. It was his fault, in some sense, to have dragged Janus literally every step of the way... But hey- it wasn't his fault (?). At least this conversation was simply by phone, and not a face-to-face interaction. If that wasn't the case, Logan could perfectly imagine his friend shaking him by the shoulders.

"Look, it was all a bit confusing and out of the blue, ok? Prince made the first move-"

"Oh, so Roman, the one who has never ever in their lifetime shown romantic interest towards you because 'they're so much above you that would never notice a boring nerd like you' made the first move, hm?"

"You're... insufferable, you know that, right?"

"Aw, you love me, don't try to hide it."


"Keep telling! What did they say?"

"Well- as I was saying, we were walking out of work, right? Roman had asked if I wanted to walk home with cloud, and I said sure. So we where walking home, and Roman stops to tell me how they noticed that we would make a good couple? And does this movie-worthy speech on crowns feelings for me? And basically just- I don't know how to explain it, but it was beautiful, and prince confessed eir feelings for me and it was magical."

"That's just so sweet!! What did you tell them? What was your reply to this gorgeous speech? Did you have anything prepared? Oh please tell me you did!"

"I- I didn't," Logan admitted. He could almost hear Janus face palming at the other end of the line, "I panicked"

"What did you say, Logan?"

"'I'm gay too'" Logan muttered, "That's- what I said"

Logan waited for Janus's reaction, and he was only met with a few seconds of silence. All of a sudden, Janus started laughing, as loud and unnecessary extra as ever, making the younger vampire flinch. Yep. He regretted doing this.

"Oh my God- Logan. Honey. You are hopeless," He laughed

"No shit. We all know this, Jay! Its news to no one!"

"Still... the extremes it comes to... You would make an amazing character in a rom com, I'm telling you."

"Oh yes, a rom com about vampires. How original"

"Come on Logan, let me have my fun here!"

Logan groaned, "Let me guess- you're going to tease me about this for the rest of eternity?"

"Exactly! I'm never going to let you forget this. And since we're basically immortal, it's literal! For the rest of eternity"

"I can't- Janus, please"

"Let me ask you something, Logan. Why are you calling me if its not for me to make fun of your disastrous acts?"

"Well, perhaps for you to congratulate me over the fact that I got a datefriend? To show me some support when I start freaking out on my first actual date with Roman?"

"Are you going to ask me to stalk your date as we did with Virgil?"

"What!? No! I may be hopeless, but I'm not stupid"

"I'm gonna tell Virgil you called him stupid"


"Does it look like I care?"

" We're getting off tracks-"

"We are! Anyways, congratulations on getting yourself a relationship with Roman, it was about time"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Anything else you'd like to tell me, or were you here only to... there's a term for this, Virgil told me..." Janus stayed silent for a few minutes, "To fangirl (?) about Roman?"

"You need to stop listening to Virgil. And I need to make you some vocab cards," Logan shook his head, "but no, I think that was it- I'm just exited"

"I'm glad to hear so, darling. Now if you excuse me, I have to get back to work."

"Work? What work?"

"I was posing for a painting Remus is doing. I need to get back to it so that he can finish it"

"Posing for a painting... you know what? I'm not gonna ask. Talk to you later"



Janus is posing for a painting ✨✨✨

idk what else to say. 

Oh, yeah, i start school again on wednesday and i'm scared /gen

Peace, Love and granola!

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