Chapter 49: Not me foreshadowing so subtly that no one will notice

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TW: sad patt

The next few hours went by in relative peace, something that Logan certainly wasn't expecting. For what he knew of Patton, the boy was always bouncing with energy, the moments when he stopped and actually focused on doing something being extremely rare.

But here they were. It had been a few hours since Patton had had his breakfast, and he was still reading the book, sitting still for all this time. Well, not really "still"; Patton had shifted around in his spot of the couch a lot, often laying down, standing up or changing the position of his feet, but never during this time did he stop reading.

It started to become quite amusing, watching him read. Logan used his time to perform some house chores he had put away for some time, such as cleaning up the coffee table, dusting furniture, moping the floors, etc, all while he listened to a podcast Virgil had insisted on him to check out. The fact that he had been forced to stay home was beneficial, really, even more with how quiet Patton acted. But soon enough, Logan noticed how Patton wasn't exactly quiet... he gasped slightly at some things, muttering one or two things under his breath every so often, his face contorting in laughter, shock, concern, and others as the pages went by.

For the most part, Logan simply left Patton do his thing. He knew by experience that being interrupted while reading was one of the worst experiences ever, so he avoided doing so, only "annoying" the kid once to offer him an apple and a bottle of water. He wouldn't let him get dehydrated.

When the first two and a half hours went by, Patton put his book down to go to the bathroom. Logan assumed that he would go back to reading again when he came back, but once more, the boy surprised him.

"Hey, Logan?" Patton asked, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Yes, Patton?" The vampire took his headphones off and paused the episode he was at, MAG 7, the piper, "Is something wrong?"

"Why can't I be home now?" He asked, "I tried to ask Virgil before, but he said it was complicated and he would explain later. And that was yesterday, and no one has told me anything yet. You're smart and a good teacher, so even if its complicated, you should be able to explain it, right?"

"I- well, the thing is, it is complicated, Patton. There's... a lot of things going on and-"

"Don't tell me it's "grown up stuff". I'm 11 now, I'm not a baby! And it something about my house. Tell me, please," Patton interrupted him. Logan pressed his lips together. He wasn't too sure what he was even allowed to tell Patton, nor how to explain that Virgil's abusive ex had crashed at their place and that Remus and Janus were fighting over it and that he had to be away for his own safety- it was a bit too much for a kid, wasn't it?

"It's because of August," Logan said, opting to go for a simplified truth, "Because of him, there has been the need to change some things around, and to make the transition of all easier, it was a better idea for you to be away for a bit. I'm sure your father will be able to explain this better, I'm not an expert on any of this"

"But-" Patton sighed, "Alright, when is dad coming then?"

"I'm not sure. We can ask him if you want to," Logan suggested, to which Patton nodded excitedly.

Logan turned his phone on again and looked for Emile's contact before sending a message.

Logan: Salutations Emile

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