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"We're here!" Emile exclaimed, pulling Logan out of the small trance he had been in for most of the ride.

The vampire blinked a bit, straightening his back and turning his neck around, trying to re-focus. He had spent most of the ride with his head leaned against the window, but he hadn't paid any attention to the things passing by. Now that he was actually looking, he was able to get a first view on their destination. The fair was open for all, many people walking around, many more than what Logan had hoped for. It was opening day after all, therefore it made sense that the number of people attending where high; still, the sense of anxiety was starting to build inside him. Flashing lights came from many attractions, along with the joyful screams from the people who rode them. It was a lot, but thankfully not too much. At least not yet.

Come on Logan, pull yourself together. The plan of today is to distract yourself and have a nice time so... you better do that! Or something-

"See ya nerds by the Ferris wheel in an hour," Virgil said as he opened the car door, already stepping out. It only took a few seconds before he disappeared from sight, blending in with the crowd. Logan checked his phone. It was currently 18:50, meaning that the scheduled time to meet with Virgil would be at 19: 50... or 20:00, knowing the vampire.

"Alright then," Logan sighed and took his own seatbelt off, going out as well, copying Emile and Patton's actions.

Logan waited by the side of the car while Emile opened the truck to grab a dark blue backpack with a picture of Stich (from the movie Lilo and Stich) embroidered into it. As he did, Patton grabbed Logan's hand, something that the vampire wasn't expecting. Once Emile had put the backpack on, Patton grabbed his hand as well before rushing towards the entrance, bringing the two adults with him. It would've been a falsehood to say that Logan didn't trip and almost fell over when they started to run.

Going to the fair soonly proved itself to be an... interesting experience, specially since it was soon revealed that the real reason for Logan to be there was so that he could babysit Patton, even if Emile and the kid tried to deny it.

"Can we go to this roller coaster? Pretty please?" Patton asked soonly after they entered the fair, pointing towards the first ride on sight. Emile frowned, watching the carts go up and down the rails.

"I'm... I'm not sure... Logan? What do you think?" the man asked. Logan shrugged.

"I don't see why not."

"Great! Lets buy the tickets then!" Patton exclaimed, carrying the two to the line. As it was a smaller ride, more inclined for children, they didn't need to wait too much to get their turn.

"Two tickets please," Emile said, talking out the money necessary so pay.

"Only two?" Logan asked, confused.

"Yes. I'm not riding."

"Why not?"

"Daddy's scared of heights," Patton explained, "He doesn't like to talk about it but he lets me ride rides but only if I'm accompanied because I'm too small to do so alone but he won't with me, so he needs someone to do it with me."

"Oh," Logan nodded.

"Yeah, it's a long story. You two enjoy the ride, ok? I'll be waiting down here in the ground where it's safe."

Before Logan could question this, he was already getting dragged away by Patton. The little boy was surprisingly strong for being that small.

The following hour presented itself to have a similar pattern. Patton dragging them to rides, Emile buying only two tickets (he insisted on paying even if Logan offered to do it himself), and then waiting while the others enjoyed the ride. After the second time this happened, Logan asked if there was any place in specific that Emile wanted to go so that he could enjoy their time there as well, but the man shook his head. He confessed that he was only there to give his son the opportunity to have fun and for the cotton candy; that he was alright by looking from bellow. Logan wasn't too convinced by this answer but stopped insisting.

Sooner than later, the designated hour arrived. A lot of time was spent in the waiting lines (much to Patton's disappointment), so the kid wasn't tired yet. He wasn't barely started. They got to the Ferris wheel at 19:45, Emile went to buy some cotton candy while the trio waited for Virgil. Logan decided to try some of said cotton candy out of curiosity, and he found that it tasted somewhat similar to salt water. He started to consider the idea of starting a journal with all the new tastes of food he tried, to then ask other vampires on how different foods tasted and try to find a pattern.

Finally, at 20:00, Virgil arrived (late, as Logan suspected). His hoodie was no longer on, instead tied around his waist, fingerless gloves covering his hands, a suspicious red tint in his lips. His hair was way messier than before, and his characteristic chocker wasn't sitting symmetrically in his neck.

"Hello mother-forkers!" Virgil exclaimed, waiving at them, "And that's technically not a swear, so shut up."

"Greetings, Virgil. Glad to say you finally came," Logan nodded, "May I ask why you took so long?"

"Eh, it's a longgggg storyyyyy, annnndddd I'll say when the tadpole isn't listening," Virgil grinned. The two adults frowned.

"Virgil," Emile started, "Did it happen again?"

"Did what happen again?" Virgil asked, faking an innocent look.

"You know what I'm talking about" Emile crossed his arms, looking at Virgil with something that could only be defined as a dad-gaze. The vampire pressed his lips together.

"Alright yes, it did happen," The man waved his hand around, "No biggie"

"Yes biggie! Virgil, I told you it isn't healthy when you-"

"Sh-sh-sh-shhhhh," Virgil gestured to Patton, who was a few steps away, eating the cotton candy and watching the Ferris wheel, "We have a rule, don't we?"

Emile closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He exhaled and opened his eyes again.

"We're having a talk when we get home, Virgil. One with Janus and Remus."

"Oh nooooooooo, what a nightmare," Virgil rolled his eyes. Emile shook his head and went to fetch Patton before he got lost in the crowd.

Virgil chuckled lowly and bit his thumb, circling around himself. Logan was very confused and slightly concerned.

"What was that about?" The younger vampire asked.

"Eh, nothing much dreamboat," Virgil shrugged, "It's grownup shit, can't talk with Patton around."

"Grown up shit- what did you do?"

"No one died," Virgil smirked, "At least, I don't think they did."

"What on earth-"

"Virgie!" Patton exclaimed, jumping up on Virgil's arms, "can we got win me some new plushies, pleasseeeeee?"

"Sure thing tadpole! I will win you all the plushies," Virgil picked Patton up and put him over his shoulders, now doing a piggy ride. Logan noticed how Emile lifted up his hand, almost as if to stop them, but the man hesitated.

"Yay!" Patton exclaimed, giggling as Virgil started walking.

Logan looked at Emile. The man was staring at the other vampire who carried his son, a strange expression on his face. Logan wasn't able to figure out if it was concern, sadness, disappointment or something else. Before the younger vampire was able to ask what was wrong, Emile had already started to walk again, following the other two. 


sorry for lying so much to y'all ig? In my defense (refering to not being able to post this week) "Don't make me a liar, 'cause I swear to god When I said it I thought it was true"

there aint any wifi here but my dad be letting me use his phone data to post lol

chapter 22 is gonna be... an experience uwu

Peace, Love and Granola!!

That Wasn't Wine... - Sanders Sides Vampire AuWhere stories live. Discover now