Chapter 50: You can explain everything using carton references

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TW: Patton snapping/sad Patton, angsty shit, bad writting cause fucking depression and i don't feel like editing (sorry)

The rest of that day went by without anything significant going on. True, Roman did come for lunch, but had to leave relatively early as crown couldn't afford to go to bed extremely late and sleep in.

Logan found it hard to get Patton to sleep, the boy didn't want to do so, managing to sneak his book with him (even tho Logan was sure he'd left it in the coffee table more than once) and reading instead of sleeping. In the end, Logan had to stay in the room supervising until Patton finally slept, allowing the adult to follow up, after confirming that they had closed up all the windows to block any and all sunlight.

It was late-afternoon when Emile arrived, this being relatively early for Logan. It happened while Logan washed some of the dishes that had been forgotten from last night, along from the ones from today's breakfast. When the bell rang, Logan went to open the door, Patton following behind and jumping to hug his father the second he was in sight.

"Hey there pattycake," Emile chuckled, hugging Patton back. In the past few months, Emile's hair had turned from a bright shade of pink to a more pastel one, similar to how Logan's one had gotten a lighter blue, the roots becoming more noticeable. He'd have to re-dye it soon... Emile wore a white shirt and pink tie under a forest green sweater, a maroon coat over it all to protect him from the cold, "How have you been?"

"We had pizza for lunch yesterday!" The boy exclaimed, making Emile chuckle.

"I see you're spoiling my boy, Logan?" the man said, looking up at the vampire.

"Not spoiling him, I made him a balanced dinner and-"

"And we watched Steven universe and Roman came and they gave me chocolate," Patton finished. Emile smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow towards Logan.

"Alright, we might have spoiled him a bit, but not in excess," The vampire confessed

"Don't worry Lo, I'm not mad," Emile chuckling before turning back to his son, "So, you're enjoying your time here?"

"Yeah!" Patton nodded, smiling brighter than he had at any other moment of his stay, "Logan is very nice with me."

"I'm happy to hear that," Emile kissed Patton's forehead, making the boy giggle.

"Come on, get in!" Patton held Emile's hand and pulled, "We need to talk about so much stuff, and so much happened in the book, you need to bring me the 4th one on your next trip, and I wanted to ask you about-"

"Wait, Patton," Emile softly said, making Patton look up at him with a small frown on his face, "Before we do all that, I need to speak to Logan. Its some grown up stuff, so why don't you go to the living room to get things ready while I-"

"No!" Patton exclaimed, rapidly letting off Emile's hand to cross his arms

"No?" Emile repeated, but instead of using the stern tone Logan expected at first, his voice remained soft, "Is there something wrong, Patton?"

"Yes!" The boy cried, "You're always saying that!"

"Saying what?"

"The- the grown-up stuff!!" 

"I don't understand what you mean"

"You're always saying i can't be around because of grown up stuff, I hate it! You're always leaving me out! You, and Uncle Janus and Remus and Virgil, you're always pushing me away when you talk about important stuff! I'm not a small kid anymore, I'm 11 por el amor de dios! ¡No es justo! No es justo- why do you always do this?? 

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