Chapter 15: Janus will kill for his friends. He actually has!

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TW: mentions of past murder, mentions of attempted murder, mentions of bullying

Logan dialed Janus's number, hit the call button and waited for him to pick up. The vampire was still wary of the plan but decided to go through it anyways. He had nothing left to lose, so why not accept? Unfortunately, that meant he had to call Janus to inform him about accepting the offer to teach Patton. One of the not-so-great things about having your best friend be a 240-year-old vampire was that he didn't understand the concept of text messages and used his phone exclusively to receive and make phone calls, similarly to Logan's grandmother.

Finally, after the second attempted and that anxiety filled minute wondering if it was a bad time and should try later, Janus picked up.

"Bonjour? Who's this?"

"Janus!" Logan exclaimed, "It's me, Logan. Is it a bad time?"

"Logan, what a wonder to hear your voice. And no, it's not a bad time, I simply didn't have the phone on me. Why are you calling?"

"I wanted to confirm- well, I wanted to ask... I wanted to say that I'm ok with teaching Patton. That I'd be ok with being his private teacher, to call it something. When-"

"Oh la la! Magnifique! When are you free?"

"I- I have to go to work now, but I'll be done at around 10:45, so that means that-"

"I'll get my car and meet you there, good plan."

Logan clicked his tongue. That wasn't exactly what he had in mind...

"You sure? I don't want to be a bother, I can get there on my own and-"

"Nonsense! I'll be by the door of the theater at 10:45 sharp, don't make me wait."

"If you insist..."

"See you in a few hours!"

"Wait, what do I have to-"

Aaannddddd Janus had hanged up. Logan groaned and sank down on his bed. What had he gotten himself into?


Once again, Logan found himself sitting at Janus's side as the older vampire drove the old car down the streets of New York towards the latter's house. Logan had had to bid farewell to Roman earlier that evening without being able to give em a good reason when crown asked. He felt a pinch of guilt for lying to prince, even if it was a small lie of omission, but telling them the truth would've only ended in tragedy. Besides, lies of omission barely count as lies!

The song razzle dazzle played on the radio for the third consecutive time. Janus's obsession with this particular song was strange to Logan, but he was already used to Janus's weirdness, or, at least, in the process of doing so. In the end, their mutual weirdness is what drove them close.

After a few minutes of driving in a comfortable silence, Logan decided to spark up a conversation.

"Why exactly is Patton being homeschooled? I mean- it doesn't really seem like the wisest option considering that none of you guys are able to teach him correctly, no offense."

"None taken. And when we got him out of school, we could teach him, it's just that the kid is too damn smart, and we can't keep up. I mean- he's only 10 and he wants to learn to do the layered math!"

"...the who?"

"The weird math that works in layers! You have the top one, and the lower one, and the numbers break down- It's so weird! We can't explain him that!"

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