Chapter 1: The night Logan fucked up

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TW: Some (consensual) kissing 'n biting 

Honestly? Logan just wanted to go home. This hadn't been his idea by far. He wasn't even sure why he had accepted to go to a blind date with Janus's friend. Well, he knew one of the reasons: he wouldn't shut the fuck up. Since the second they became friends, Janus had been invested on setting him up with someone. Apparently, Logan looked "lonely" and "could benefit from a significant other". Bullshit. In his 27 years of being alive, Logan had been interested in a total of 3 people. 1 had ignored his existence, with the second things had gone terribly, the third was way out of his league. He was more than used being single and honestly liked it better that way. But there was no human way of making Janus back down. Not even yelling at him how he was aro made the man stop insisting.

"You are demiromantic, Logan. Of course you don't fall in love, you have no friends! Go out! Have some fun! Let me help you!"

After a year of bickering, Logan had finally given up. So there he was, sitting at the table of the restaurant Janus had reserved for him and his mystery date, alone, tall candle burning softly making his glasses reflect the golden light. All he knew about the person he was meeting with was that he was a "he" (thank God Janus had at least respected the fact that he was gay) and named Virgil. That was an unusual name, didn't sound very modern. It isn't like Logan had looked a lot into it though.

The door of the restaurant opened once more and Logan was faced with a man that made his heart skip a beat. He wasn't tall, but what his body didn't have in height it had in musculature. He wore a black shirt with baggy sleeves and the first few buttons undone. The black jeans he wore were skinny, enhancing his figure. He had black boots with purple lazes and a chocker around his neck. But what made Logan's face burn the brightest was his face. Skin that glowed like the moon itself, sharp cheekbones, thin lips, pointy nose, big eyes coated with black makeup.

Oh god those eyes. Eyes as dark as the night itself, glistering with the dim light of the candle. Eyes that Logan couldn't find him looking away from. That was, until those eyes shifted and stared back at Logan. Directly at Logan.

The man got the menu up so it would cover his now red face. A small chuckle was heard. They say curiosity killed the cat. Well, that saying was just proven right when curiosity won over Logan, making him look up to see who had made the sound. It was that gorgeous man, altho he was no longer at the door. He was leaning down on the table, his face inches away from Logan's.

"I see you're sitting at my table," The man said. His voice was low but smooth, flowy like smoke that slowly disperses in the air, "You wouldn't happen to be Logan, would you?"

"I- it- it- it is. It's me. Hi. Logan, that's me," Logan closed his fists tight. Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay stupid gay.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Logan," the man smiled, "As I suppose you've deduced by now, I'm Virgil, your date apparently."

"O-oh. So, so you're him, huh?" Logan stuttered. It was a rare occurrence for him to encounter people as... appealing as Virgil, meaning that he was horribly unprepared for said occasions.

"The one and only," Virgil smirked, "Look dear... as both of us know, the only reason we met here is because J-J is oh so stubborn and thought a cliché restaurant would be the best location. But you see... I find restaurants terribly boring."

Virgil glanced at Logan with those hypnotic black eyes. The nerd gulped

"Yeah! Heh, totally, they are so lame," Logan chuckled. Why did the room suddenly feel so hot? Why did his lungs beg for more air to breathe?

"How would you like coming to my place? It's not far form here, and we would have so my more fun there," While saying the last sentence, Virgil had leaned down even more, whispering the last bit in Logan's ear, each word having a small pause between them. It would've been a lie to say that Logan didn't feel a shive down his spine with his.

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