Chapter 30: the Princey special

139 11 75

TW: eavesdroping, mentions of blood, slight angst, anxiety

Another performance well done.

Roman smiled to princes reflection as ey finished applying moisturizer. Less people had come to see the show today, but that didn't dim Roman's satisfaction after a job well done. Cloud took the headband off and combed eir black hair before tying it on a low ponytail. As usual, some of the shorter strands of their bangs fell on crowns face, but it didn't take long to fix them so that Roman was able to look as fabulous as ever. Now that that was done, prince went to put on eir boots, white coat and wrapped clouds red scarf around their neck.

Now it was time to go home, rest, and get some well-deserved beauty sleep. The only thing left to do was to find Logan.

It had become part of Roman's routine to go find Logan after performances and say goodbye. Normally, the two bumped into each other's ways when leaving the place, or Logan found Roman first to bid farewell, but lately it was Roman the one seeking Logan out. It was a bit strange, how Logan had been somewhat harder to reach these past few months, but it was probably nothing important. The man had never been very sociable anyways.

All things considered, this task found itself harder today. Logan wasn't in the tech room, nor talking with other people, nor in the bathroom, nor around the dressing rooms... It wasn't like him to leave early without saying a word, but it seemed as if that's what had happened. Roman was considering giving up, when through the corner of prince eye, cloud saw that characteristic dark blue hair.

A smile creeped on Roman's face. So there was Logan. They had seen him through a little window on a half-closed door. Roman approached it, altho prince stopped in slight shock when crown saw that he wasn't alone. Instead, Logan was talking to someone, someone who didn't look familiar at all.

While Logan's face wasn't really visible from this angle, the stranger's face could be well seen. Very pale skin, black eyes coated with makeup of a similar shade, black hair with bangs that covered half their face... They wore a chocker, white t-shirt with a skull painted on it, black hoodie and black jeans. Who was this person, why was this the first time Roman saw them and what were they doing talking to Logan?

"...still can't believe it," This new person chuckled. Their voice was low, masculine, but Roman didn't want to assume, "Not even once?"

"Not my fault shapeshifting is hard," Logan argued, crossing his arms

Shapeshifting? Roman frowned. Cloud didn't intend to eavesdrop but...

"Logan, bat is like- the easiest one. True, I didn't manage on the first attempt, but at the end of my first lesson I could sorta become one. How are you so useless? No offense"

"You seriously need to stop saying "no offense" before and after saying offensive things. At least when Janus does it, it seems lighthearted."

Janus... that was a name Roman recognized. Logan mentioned him once or twice before.

"Whatever," the stranger rolled their eyes.

"It's very annoying that you come here, to my workplace, just to make fun of me because I can't turn into a bat when Janus has told me you've been trying racoon for a few months now to no avail"

"Hey! That's a completely different deal!"

Logan chuckled, "Whatever"

"Look, bat is default, so that's why it should be easier for you. Racoon isn't, so at least I have an excuse to take more time"

This conversation... it made no sense. Shapeshifting? How- why would they be talking about shapeshifting? This... it was so out of character for Logan. The conversation by itself didn't sound normal, not at all, but this was Logan. Logan, the one who always liked to follow rules and got annoyed when things didn't follow some sort of logic. And shapeshifting wasn't logical. At all. It made no sense for him to be discussing becoming animals with some stranger.

Roman was... very lost at this moment. This conversation didn't make sense. It simply didn't. It was wrong

"...any other reason for you to be here, or just wanted to rub it on my face?"

"Oh, no, there's more. Wanna come to the nightclub? Rems 'n I are going, perhaps ya wanted to tag along and have some fun"

"Seriously? Look, the past two times it was... ok, I suppose, but it really isn't my jam. Besides, we almost killed someone last time, I wouldn't want that to happen again."

"How many times do I have to tell you- they won't die of blood loss, dreamboat!"

"I still rather buy my blood on the black market, Virgil."

Roman leaned against the wall. First shapeshifting... First they were talking about shapeshifting, and now Logan went clubbing!?? Roman had tried several times to get Logan to go out with prince and other people from work, but Logan always refused, always saying he hated those places and would rather die than go to bars, and now he had been going with this other guy? And- and he had almost killed someone!? Logan, Logan the kindest soul Roman had the fortune to know, Logan the man who refused to kill bugs, Logan the guy who always helped Roman out... he had almost killed someone!? And trafficked with blood? Bought some in the black market?

The worst thing... the worst thing is that this was all for real. It seemed real. This wasn't some sort of DnD campaign these two were talking about, it seemed- Roman was sure they were talking about real live. Cloud didn't want to believe it.

To hell with all this.

Roman went towards the doors and left the building, walking home as they always did. Crown took eir phone out and opened chat.

Roman: I have to leave earlier


Would you wanna meet up tomorrow?

Roman crossed the street. It took a few minutes for Logan to reply.

Logan: Of course

18:20 sounds good?

Roman: sure

Alright then. Tomorrow, Roman was getting to the bottom of this. Tomorrow cloud would find out what was going on with Logan, figure out what all of this was about. Meanwhile now... Now it was time to get home and attempt to sleep. That- that was probably a good plan.

Roman hoped it was. They need to know ey could trust Logan.


*loud evil laughter*






peace, love and granoal

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