Chapter 54: This... wasnt in the script-

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This is a very heavy chapter with a bunch of stuff going on. There'll be a small summary before the A/N

TW: stabbing, blood, injury, angst, pain (emotional and phisical), August

Emile didn't know what he could do to help Janus. From the moment he started working for the vampires as just a therapist, Janus had been the most closed off of all of them. True, he was the one who scheduled the sessions and coached the other two to try it out, as well as the one who offered Emile the option of living here after the accident, but still, it was never about himself.

It was quite contradicting. All that talk about self-care, all that talk about doing what's best for yourself, about putting yourself before others, yet Janus didn't follow his own advice most of the time.

Emile had left the vampire to practice with the violin after another failed attempt to get through to him.

The violin was Janus's favorite instrument of the ones he owned, and had composed several songs with it, which were some genuinely good pieces. Whenever he played it, you could see a special glow to the vampire's face; not many things could bring a similar level of happiness and calm to his face.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the case today. The reason why Emile had been talking to Janus before was because the vampire thought he'd lost the instrument, having looked for it around the study and house without being able to find it anywhere.

After a while, the two came back to the study only to find the instrument right where it was supposed to be, even if Janus swore he'd looked there before.

Emile believed him.

He believed Janus, even if the vampire doubted himself. He was certain that he was correct when saying that the instrument hadn't been there before. He knew that someone moved it. He had no evidence for it yet, but...

They needed to get rid of August.

That was easier said than done.

Even tho Emile had approached a much more direct way of doing so (aka, kicking him out), Janus wouldn't hear it, insisting on the more civil approach he was working on, which was going slower than originally thought. None of this was normal.

Janus was extremely efficient; he knew what to do, who to call, where to go. He was excellent at his job, at everything he attempted, yet still, it had been 5 days and they had no plan. Janus blamed it on himself and his bad memory; Emile could hear him mutter to himself about loosing some paper with notes or forgetting to write in his diary and notebook the instructions- all bullshit. Emile had been living here for nine years and knew for a fact Janus's memory wasn't that bad, at least not in this way. Janus was incredibly organized; this mess was out of character. It only furthered Emile's suspicions that this was all just some big, complicated scheme.

Emile needed to catch August actually doing something if he wanted to convince Janus. Maybe then, he'd would give up all this sympathetic bullshit and do what's right.

Here's the issue: Emile had been attempting to do this for the past five days to no use. August was just too careful. It worried Emile, especially considering what Virgil had mentioned about him.

The man shook his head, continuing his way upstairs.

He needed to go up to the third floor to clean. Cleaning wasn't technically Emile's job; they all did their fair share with the chores, it was simply Emile's turn to do this part today. Well, technically it wasn't, but no one else was going to do it in the current conditions, and Emile didn't have anything else to do, so might as well.

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