Chapter 47: "what ya got there pat?" "A KNIFE" "NO"

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To reach Virgil's home the fastest way possible, Logan turned into a bat and flew there, as he was significantly faster like this. Besides, bats didn't need to stop and listen to stop signs and other traffic rules, therefore it was objectively better.

In fact, it only too him a few minutes to reach the appartement. He transfromed back, knocked on the door and waited for it to open, expecting to see Virgil, but instead being faced by someone else.

"Hey there kiddo!" Patton smiled. The kid was wearing a dark turtleneck and a pink puffy skirt, sort of like a tutu. His hair, which was held back with a headband which matched his turtleneck, was covered with a white dusty substance.

"Oh- hey Patton... is Virgil here?" Logan asked, looking inside

"Yes, he is," Patton nodded, "Come, follow me, he's stressing over by the kitchen,"

"Ok...?" Logan followed Patton inside and was guided towards the kitchen.

The kitchen itself was small, something that wasn't strange for a vampire's home. Altho, unlike the last time Logan came here, it now had actual baking and cooking utensils spread around, most of them dirty. There was flour spread on a big portion of the countertop and floor, along with an empty but dirty bowl standing next to the fires, some batter spilled around that part. A bar of butter and half an eggshell were situated by a corner, the fact they sat there alone making Logan suspect that the one who had been using the kitchen forgot to throw them out. A pan was by the sink, next to a plate and some cutlery. In the middle of the relative mess stood Virgil, a broom in hand, trying to clean the flour from the floor. He looked up when the other two came in.

"Dreamboat! Oh thank God you're here-"

"Salutations, Virgil... What's... what's going on here?" Logan asked, gesturing to the mess.

"Ask him," Virgil pointed towards Patton.

"I don't understand why you're so mad! I didn't do anything wrong," Patton crossed his arms

"I- I'm not mad, just- worried and stressed. But you can't say you didn't do anything wrong because-"

"I knew what I was doing there's no need-"

Virgil and Patton started bickering, talking over each other. It was impossible to make up what either of them were saying, not because of the volume, neither were actually yelling, but they both spoke fast and it made it impossible for Logan to focus on what either of them were saying.

"Hey," Logan called out, making the other two shut up immediately and look up at him, "You two. Chill. Patton," Logan turned towards the kid, softening his voice, "What happened?"

"Well-" Patton started, his arms still crossed, "I woke up here, and I was confused, because I wasn't home! I got worried and saw Virgil's phone, so I called dad, because when there's trouble the first step is to try and call dad. And dad explained that due to some things at home, I had to stay here for a bit and told me he was busy and so I had to stay here, and he couldn't visit just now and that he'll try later. So now I was awake, and it was early, and I started to get hungry but Virgil had no food!"

"Excuse you, yes i-"

"Some coffee and energy bars don't count as food! I can't even drink coffee, I'm just 11. And the energy bars smell weird, I don't like them. Anyways, Virgil was asleep, I was hungry and bored, so I got Virgil's keys, some money, and I went out."

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