Chapter 31: *insert angsty yet funny and witty chapter tittle*

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before we start: sorry not sorry

TW: angst, yelling, comfrontation, anxiety, allusion to past transphobia, sad sad ppl, angry

Roman was acting strange that Monday afternoon. As usual, Logan had met with prince at the café, drinking their respective coffees on their way to the park. Logan was slowly getting used to the strange taste of coffee, meaning that Roman had no longer a reason to concern over his drinking rate.

The issue was that Roman wasn't commenting on anything. At all. Ey just gave short, straight answers, walked even faster than usual (roman was a fast walker by nature) and Logan cached crown glancing at him with a weird look on their face more than once. Even if they tried to hide it, Logan could see cloud fidgeting with something inside cloud's purse.

There was obviously something troubling Roman. Logan wasn't sure on what it was, not just yet, but he needed to know; he wanted to help.

The pair got to the park, sitting down on their bench. No words were exchanged for a minute or two, which were spent looking at the birds, seeing the nighttime clouds shift with the wind and stealing glances at each other. The silence itched on Logans skin, making him wonder with slight fear the reason why they were meeting there today. Roman had left early the day before, not even saying goodbye as ey always did. Was it connected with this behavior? Had something bad happened? In case that it had... how bad could it be?

Finally, Logan broke the silence

"Roman," He started, "Is there... is there anything going on? Anything you'd like to tell me? Why are we here today? It seems like something's up"

"Yesterday, I heard your conversation with Virgil. I... well, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it was on accident, I promise. Still, I couldn't stop from hearing parts of it. What... what was all that about?" Roman asked, princes voice direct but slightly shaky.


Logan's blood ran cold. Vampires had colder blood by nature, but he could've sworn that his blood became ice, freezing along with him.


How long had he lasted? Two months and a half? Almost three? Almost three months of keeping this a secret? He really thought he could manage longer. He was wrong. And all because of one slip up.


Roman was looking at him, waiting for an answer. He couldn't lie to crown anymore, at least not to clouds face. In reality, Logan had no idea how ey'll take it, but he expected the worse. Roman would hate him. Roman would be afraid of him. Roman wouldn't understand, prince would leave him, wouldn't want to know anything about him. Because that's how the world works, is it not? People find out things about you, things that are imbedded into your identity, things you cant change, and they hate you, fear you, are disgusted by you because of it. The people who Logan apreaciated most, the ones who he couldn't believe they would betray him, had done exactly that. It had happened before. And even if Logan wanted to believe Roman was different... would cloud really accept him now?

"Logan? Please, I'm very confused and concerned. What was that about? The blood thing, the shapeshifting thing- tell me. Please. I don't want to assume anything, I want you to tell me."


"It's- it's a long story. Uh- I- I think we should-d go, go talk somewhere else," Logan replied

"Why?" Roman asked, "This is our bench, and there's no one around to hear us. Why would we have to go somewhere else?"

Roman, you aren't making this easy, Logan thought. He sighed.

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