Chapter 12: A prince has to slay

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So if you dont know whats going on in here... good luck figuring it out ig. I just came out of my english final and i'm... i need sugar. 

also, sorry if i got some of the theatre buisness wrong, i couldnt care less atm, im stresedddddddd (/lh) (/nm)

TW: some light panicking/spiriling ig

Logan knocked on the dressing room's door and waited for an answer. They had 63 minutes before the show started and Logan had already prepared everything he needed to. That night he had made sure to arrive extra early, leaving home the second the sun set to prepare everything in time, knowing there was a chance that Roman would have a harder time getting ready for today's show. Normally crown was fine, filled with adrenaline and excitement upon performing, knowing that ey would nail it every time. But when the stakes were high...

The vampire knocked once more after a few minutes to receive no answer. It was a strange behavior coming from Roman, which only further confirmed Logan's suspicions.

"Roman, I'm coming in if that's alright," No answer, "Alright, I'm opening the door."

Logan opened the door. Roman sat in front of the vampire, back facing him, looking down at the makeup bag that sat on the table. Through the mirror, Logan could see Roman's face, hair held back by some clips. There was a tapping sound coming from Roman's fingers, a familiar tune altho Logan wasn't sure which song it belonged to. Logan approached the actor, standing just behind them.

"What's wrong Ro?"

"I don't have my lipstick. I can't find it! And I can't go on without it- I know I should do the other stuff first, leave the lipstick for the last but... I... I need it. And- and if I don't have makeup I can't go on and I'll be all washed out by the lights, and no one will see me and I'll get kicked out of the cast and mum is here and it has to be perfect for her - there aren't any tickets left and she's only got this week and I'll just disappoint her and I can't disappoint her I gotta prove I'm coping here without her and-"

"Hey, Roman, it's ok. You're spiraling, try to take a deep breath."

"I'm spiraling?" Roman asked, looking into the mirror, looking towards Logan's reflection rather than the man himself. Logan nodded and Roman looked back down again, "Sorry"

"There's no need to apologize Ro. Your mother came to see you tonight, right? Is that what's triggering this anxious behavior?"

Roman nodded

"She's coming and it's her only week free and she decided to come see me as the first thing to do. And I need this performance to be perfect, but I can't do that if my makeup isn't done, and I can't do that before I put my lipstick on and I can't put it on if I can't find it."

"You took your meds with your coffee already, right? If I recall, that went before makeup," Logan asked. Roman nodded once more, "Alright, that's good. Would you like me to go look for your lipstick while you listen to some Disney songs to help you relax?" Another nod.

Logan looked over the table and surroundings, quickly finding the headphones which were hanging on one of the hooks for clothing. Logan passed them over to Roman, who put them on. The vampire then procced to get their phone and look through spotifi until he found the Disney playlist, turning the music on. Roman started to relax when the music started to play, which was a good sign.

Now... where was the damn lipstick? Logan knew that Roman owned two different lipsticks prince used for this show, a lighter rose red for the first act and a darker one for the second act. It was very unlikely that any for the other actors to have stolen it or borrowed it without asking since everyone knew Roman's... pet peeves when it came to his materials and possessions. This also meant that, in case of not being able to find it, they'd get a greater issue since it'll be hard to get Roman to use a lipstick that wasn't theirs, and, if cloud did use it, ey'd be most likely uncomfortable and self-conscious during the performance. Considering that crowns mother visiting was already a cause of stress, Logan hoped he'd find the lost object and call it a case closed.

Fortunately, Roman had princes' makeup well organized on the table, always setting it up the same way. After a quick scan, Logan was able to locate the second lipstick, the darker one. It sat near the edge of the table. It was logical to believe that both lipsticks would be stored in the same or close locations, hence Logan's suspicions that the bar could've fallen over the table to the floor at some point during the day. The vampire kneeled down and started to search the floor surrounding that area to no avail; the damn thing wasn't in that area. He stood up and examined the table once more, refusing to give up. He wouldn't allow Roman to be more stressed than they needed to.

Oh, of course! Logan retained the impulse of face-palming upon his stupidity. Roman liked balance. Cloud had fought over at the start of the production to change the costume design of the prince (the character ey played) so that there was balance and composition with the sash and the golden emblems, so that the "visual weight" or whatever it was called was well distributed. They had argued so that the composition of scenes was as symmetrical as possible. Roman liked balanced, and, in the case of the table, it meant that products were arranged in a way that the two halves of it mirrored each other.

Logan continued the search on the opposite side of the table. After a minute or so, he noticed something shinning from behind one of the legs. Upon closer inspection he found it was, indeed, the lost lipstick. The vampire picked it up, cleaned the casing with his shirt and gave it to Roman. The actor smiled widely upon receiving it. Crown set it down on it's designed placed of the table before closing eir eyes, taking a deep breath. Upon opening their eyes again, cloud started with the makeup work.

The vampire watched as Roman did their makeup with flawless precision, hands moving gracefully across eir face, picking up and setting down materials in their designated spots without even needing to look down, a millimetric precision Logan didn't believe could ever be achieved by a human. But then again, Roman was full of surprises which captivated Logan.

It was as if the outside world had been dulled out and all of Roman's attention was set upon the mirror and their face. Prince started with the lips, moving to applying the foundation, adding eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, highlights, fixing cloud's eyebrows, eyelashes... it was hypnotizing watching em work. For a split second, Logan took his eyes off the actor and looked up, seeing his own reflection staring back at him, noticing how his cheeks were tinted a similar shade to Roman's sash. Wait- he was blushing!? Vampires could blush!? Oh god-

Logan looked away from the mirror, trying to get himself back together, but was distracted once more by the actor's work, now closer to finishing. It was surprising, all of it. The speed and the skill, if Logan ever had to do his makeup again, he'd die, but it came as a second nature to Roman, or so it seemed. The makeup itself wasn't too flashy, unlike when Roman did it for crownself, altho it wasn't a natural look either. It have Roman this ethereal glow, making em look like a fantasy being straight (gay) up a fairytale, making it impossible to take your eyes off em. Which, in this case, is just what the character they played needed.

"What do you think?" Roman asked, turning around in cloud's chair, now facing Logan.

"I think you look gorgeous," Logan said, not being able to stop himself, "I- I mean- I mean, well, ya know, I mean that, you know, you're- you know, you look good, it's good makeup, the makeup is good, it's good for the character, it suits your character and-"

Roman chuckled a bit, which only made Logan internally panic more. He hated when words stopped working, specially in situations like this....

"Great then! Good to know I look good, a prince has to slay," Roman winked at Logan. Logan.exe stopped working, "Now come on, I bet you have other things to get ready. Don't let me hold you down"

"Well- well, um... well, um, yeah, well, let's- yeah, I have other, I have other things and all, ya know, well, to prepare, and all, so, up, well, yeah, see you... see you later."

"Farewell Logan," Roman smiled, waving slightly.

Logan exited the dressing room and rubbed his eyes.

Stop being so fucking gay you gay disaster. YOU HAVE WORK TO DOOOOOO 


idk if it shows, but gay ND characters are my type 

neurotipicals are boring but i still write em anyways


Peace, Love and Granola!

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