Chapter 55: the characters are getting off-script and it's getting dark- help?

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last day of 2022. 2 weeks ago i wrote "2021" on the date in my school's notebook... i'm not ready for 2023

Anyways. thanks for 6,4k reads, hope we get to 10k this next year but if we don't that's chill

TW: talks of venom, negative self talk, angst, talk of death and murder and kinda suicide pill, talks of the Emile stabbing, talk of abusive relationship

A flickering light shone above the vampire, making his blue eye glister gold. The room he stood in was dark, dusty, spiderwebs hanging from the corners. No one had used the room for it's intended purpose in decades, the last one who stepped in here having been Virgil while researching on spiders for his thesis. Janus would've wanted it to stay this way, a room that held nothing in it but the ghosts of old souls who had long ago left this earth.

Yet here he was, with a poor excuse of a man bellow his towering gaze. August had been handcuffed to the table, legs tied to the chair, a blindfold secured in his eyes. Several meters underground, on the last floor of the house, there was no method of escape apart from the multiple locked doors, all secured so that it would be impossible to get out unless you had the keys, resistant enough so that they couldn't be broken down by force, not even vampiric super-strength. It's not like August was in the conditions of doing so anyways, Janus's venom still strong and running through his veins, leaving him in a paralyzing pain. Not enough to kill, yet good enough to make the trick.

Janus exited the room and made a quick way outside, spreading his wings the second he got to the surface, flying to the roof as a bat before settling down as a human once more. Here from the low above, you could better see the lights from the close city, which weren't many at this hour of the night. The man sighed, ignoring the shaking of his hands as the took out the phone form his jacket's pocket and dialed a number.

After the third try, Janus considered giving up. All three attempts all ended up going to voicemail; it was too urgent to just let the message get forgotten, specially considering the person he wanted to contact

The vampire looked up towards the black sky, all stars being hidden away by a thick coat of clouds, no light reaching down. A cold gust of wind flew by, messing with Janus's hair. He closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than to stay in silence with frozen time, not needing to worry about the issues going on inside the house. Wouldn't it be easier to get out and enjoy the darkness, to escape from it all?

Just as with all the others, this particular dream didn't come true. Janus's phone started buzzing, meaning he had to pick it up.

"Hello?" Janus called, waiting to be sure of who was speaking to him

"What do you want, snake? Did you seriously need to spam my phone like that" Virgil asked, clearly not happy to be bothered. At least he had picked up in the end...

"I need you to come here, please" Janus asked

"Did you get rid of August already?"

"No, but-"

"Then I'm not going,"

"Virgil, wait!" Janus exclaimed, almost shouted. He needed Virgil here, he couldn't allow the younger vampire to just- hang up, as it was the rule for him every time he got tired of a conversation. He couldn't allow that- "Please-"

"What is it?" Virgil asked, voice still tired, but he didn't seem as annoyed now

"He hurt Emile," Janus said. He paused, waiting to see if he'd get a response from Virgil, but all he was met with was silence, "He stabbed him... I have August chained down, no way of escaping, but I need your help"

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