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so thanks to you mfs we have around 100 more comments than reads (or so) and i feel highkey powerfull because of it

a big thank you to @tooprecioustoprocess and @Theeverseeingeye for making this possible lmao

Once more, Logan found himself sitting in Janus's car, altho this time he was in the front seat, sitting next to the driver. They were going to the snake's house, having left much earlier than the other times, little after the sun set. The older vampire seemed to be in a rush to get to their destination, practically dragging Logan to the car and driving at the verge of the speed limit. The reason for this lack of patience was unknown for Logan; when he asked, the only thing he got is that there was a "surprise". Considering the events from the past week, the younger vampire feared for his live.

It was almost 8pm when they got to the place. Janus exited the car first and ventured towards the house, Logan trailing behind him. The older vampire fiddled with his keys, opening the door. The second he did, a small blur of blue burst the door open and threw itself on top of Janus, making the man give a few steps back to regain balance.

The person how hugging Janus (well, Janus had picked them up) was a child (a real one this time, not like with Myst). The kid had a mane of curly, black hair that reached his shoulders, pushed back by a peacock blue headband. His skin was dark brown, his eyes big and round with glasses covering them. He wore a slightly oversized grey cat hoodie, along with light blue jeans and mis-matched socks, one with a daylight-cloud pattern, the other with a night sky one, no shoes on.

"Uncle Janus!!!" the kid exclaimed as Janus twirled him around, bright smiles in both their faces, "You're back! Did you bring me anything?"

"Yes I am, tadpole," Janus kissed both of the child's cheeks, making the kid giggle, "And I brought a friend."

"A friend!?" The kid turned around, still being held by Janus, to face Logan, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

The child escaped Janus's grasp and ran next to Logan, who backed down a bit, not being used to be in the presence of children. Janus chuckled.

"Hi!! I'm Patton Picani, I'm 10 years old, I'm human, I like cookies and I like your hair! It's blue!" The kid, which appeared to be Emile's son, extended a hand towards Logan.

"...Salutations. I'm Logan, I'm 27 years old, I'm a vampire, I like space and I like your headband," Logan replied, copying the child's structure of introduction as he shook his hand.

"Thank you! I made it myself!" Patton smiled with pride, "Uncle Remus taught me how to knit!"

"Uncle Remus...?" Logan looked up at Janus in search for answers. He just shrugged, a smile on his face.

"Your tie is funny," Patton commented, "how did your hair get blue? Did you dye it like dad?"

"Um- thank you. And yes, I did dye it"

"Dad's hair is a lighter color, why is yours so dark?"

"Uh- I probably chose a darker hue, and I dyed it recently, so the color hasn't had the chance to fade. Furthermore, I didn't bleach my hair, which usually makes the dye be a lighter and/or brighter color. Besides, you father has it dyed pink and I have it blue, so it's normal that the shades as different, since the chromatic is different as well"

Patton nodded slowly, a serious expression present in his face.

"You use weird words. But not the weird ones Uncle Remus uses, yours are another-kinda weird, but they do sound English instead of other language, at least they don't sound Spanish, French nor Latin. What do those weird words you used mean?"

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